Law of God | December 31
if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14
Father, this oft quoted verse quotes a truth for all generations and all nations. We have had Your hand of grace and mercy extended to us and now we hear a pivotal word that enables or disables our relationship with you; “if”. We read many times in the Bible about conditional promises. If we will do such and such, then You will fulfill a promise.
Father, here You give us some very specific instructions; if we humble ourselves, if we pray, if we seek Your face and if we turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear, You will forgive our sins and You will heal our land. We know that the healing of our land will happen sooner if our individual hearts are healed.
Father, as we wind up a year of activity and we are about to embark upon a New Year, we want to claim Your promise by obeying You. We, by Your grace and mercy, can receive a new heart, we are able to be forgiven as a result of Jesus most humbling and painful sacrifice, made for us and next year can be better than the last year.
We know, Father, that is Your perfect will for us. You want us to respond to the enabling power that accompanies obedience. Help us we pray to love and obey, better than ever before. Bring us to Your word and continue to reach out and teach us, we pray. Give us, this day, the resolve to make each day a better day, one in which we feel the gentle touch of Your Spirit lifting us up. You are the empowerment we seek. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Bruce Caldwell
The Sola Scriptura Project