About Us
The Sola Scriptura Project was assembled by myself, Bruce Caldwell. The content, hopefully led by the insight of the Holy Spirit, is intended to lead the reader to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to give the reader access to material that should assist them in teaching and sharing the Gospel. The Project has no sponsor and it is not affiliated with any denomination.
I have been teaching the gospel for over 60 years, so I have had plenty of opportunity to learn from the Holy Scriptures and from other teachers and authors. The process of sanctification (becoming more like Jesus) is a life long process and the challenges pressed upon us by Satan will never cease. But the Holy Spirit in us gives us a leg up in that battle. We never are without access to God’s will for us. He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, traits which are true of no one else.
I have been married to my wife, Suzanne, for over 63 years. We have three children and 7 grandchildren.
I pray the materials assembled for your use are a blessing.
Bruce Caldwell
President, The Sola Scriptura Project