Fidelity an option?

Father, it is clear that fidelity to You, the Holy Spirit in us, is of utmost importance. We were bought at a great price and if we say we love You, and in fact do love You, at least for a while, and then decide to kick You out of our lives, then we have committed the unpardonable sin which You defined in Hebrews 6:4-6.

I can’t possibly forgive that fool!

Jesus, it is so hard to not be angry, at times. Here it seems that you are reminding us that Christians shall be known by their love. You are instructing us in a new way, beyond the 6th commandment, “Thou shalt not kill”. We are, as a result of the presence of the Holy Spirit, required to be patient, kind and gentle, full of goodness, loving people who we might not feel like loving.

God knows the numbers of hair on my head…no way.

Jesus, Your exact and specific words tell us that we are never alone, never forgotten and never without Your eye upon us. This is impossible for us to grasp. Our perspective stems from our experiences and we are not able to fully understand the concept of omnipresence.

Eat, drink, work, play…as unto the Lord.

Help us, today, to take care of the body you have given us and to be an effective witness, one that presents ourselves as a Temple of God. Give us, we pray, the self-discipline, buoyed by the power of the Holy Spirit to be as You Jesus, full of joy, humility and love.

Do you mean angels actually monitor my movements? No way…

Father, can death be joyful? Certainly not for those left behind but Your word tells us that heaven is a perfect place of peace. We do not seek to leave this place before our service to You is complete, so help us today to take every advantage You offer us to love You and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank You for sending Your angels to look after us.

Do we get what we give?

Jesus, for these promises, we are thankful. We see that we must be merciful to others in order to receive mercy from You. Clearly, Jesus, if we do not show mercy to others when we have the opportunity to do so, we are declaring that we do not expect to receive mercy from You. But that is such a bad game plan, who would behave in that way?

How can little mistakes here cost us eternity?

Help us O’ God to fulfill Your expectations and to use each day to Your glory. Life is truly finite; we see the end approaching quickly for ourselves or for others and we realize that our opportunities to serve You and others, on this earth, will be gone.

The Law, in stone, now carved upon our hearts.

You have told us that the truth is written on the hearts of Gentile believers. We, unlike Israel, who were given the truth by the law, have been given it in an indelible way; it is written upon our hearts.

Taxes, paid to a pagan government? Why?

Jesus, we thank You for teaching us about being obedient both to the laws of man and to Your laws. You do direct us to pay our taxes, when due, and to know that rendering to man what is man’s is our duty as citizens and it is Your requirement.