Father in the midst of the turmoil of this world, Paul reminds us of what we can experience right now. We look forward to no more pain and disabilities for eternity. Here and now You grant us the fruits of the Spirit, freely given to all who seek them; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. No matter how difficult life can be, these promises are to us all, right now.
Troubled? Draw near to God. He is there for you…
Father, this simple admonition by James is a verse that constantly reminds us where the initiative must lie. We often lament over our circumstances, we feel alone, deserted and not cared for. Here we are taught by Jesus’ brother that when we set out to draw near to You, You will draw near to us. The ball is in our court. It is our responsibility to act rather to complain about feeling impotent, lonely or depressed.
What would make Satan happy concerning you?
Father, You do know who has chosen to serve You. If we name Jesus as our Savior, You tell us to depart from iniquity, to stop sinning. Father, when we were young, youthful lusts pursued us but as we mature You tell us to pursue (chase after) righteousness, knowing that Satan will delight in our sins if we falter.
B.C./A.D. Jesus, the turning point of history.
Father, we celebrate the birth of Jesus as a nation and in many parts of the world. We pray that the physical birth of Christ will lead to the Spiritual birth of our loved ones and a renewed vow by each of us to seek a relationship with You more and more, each day.
Life is a constant test…how can we cope?
Father, if we lack understanding, we see here that Your word is our solution. The Psalmist cries out for understanding. Can we do less? Help us draw near to You, moment by moment, knowing that Your presence in the circumstances of our lives, changes things. We beg for Your illumination, Your peace and Your power in coping with difficulties of every kind, difficulties that seem to seek us out and test us constantly.
What do you treasure most in life?
We rejoice in Your precepts, laws and instruction and thank You for making our path to redemption very clear. We depend upon You for the strength to follow You. You lead us in paths of righteousness. Your will for our lives is not only made clear but you are the great Enabler, the Counselor, the Comforter.
The bliss of peace…the angst of war
As we pursue peace with others we, according to Your word, actually edify and build up the other person. We, in fact, get the opposite of what anger would have yielded. Your way is always the best way.
Wisdom, an assurance of salvation… Maybe not.
Father, we know that Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, asked You for the gift of wisdom and You granted it. Here we listen to Solomon praising wisdom, using the feminine gender, and considering wisdom in the same nurturing way as a mother is with a child. The gift of wisdom is a great comfort, a reassuring touch from You.
God knows the numbers of hair on my head…no way.
Jesus, Your exact and specific words tell us that we are never alone, never forgotten and never without Your eye upon us. This is impossible for us to grasp. Our perspective stems from our experiences and we are not able to fully understand the concept of omnipresence.
Sorrow and sighing will depart…why, when?
Your word says that sorrow and sighing shall depart and be replaced with joy and gladness as we draw near to You. What a wonderful truth. When we retreat from the cares of the world and come to you there is comfort and peace where there had been anxiety and stress.