One path and one path only to eternity…Jesus

You have told us that You have chosen to not take us out of this world, yet, so we could serve You in proclaiming the Word. We have been “sent” by You. You have prayed to the Father that the evil one will be kept from us. What a bonus, Jesus; Satan held at a distance from Your children. Help us this day to find ways to bring glory to Your name.

Bent but not broken. It pleases my God to lift me up.

Father, at times we feel embattled, pressured by our daily circumstances and needs. We have learned to flee from sinful reactions to pressure because You are pleased to deliver us, to lift us up in that moment, if we but turn to You. We know that our willingness to be in a relationship with You transports us from helplessness to dependence on You.

Proclaiming the Gospel… Is that too risky?

Father, help us today not to hide our Light under a bushel, knowing that when we witness of Your love, made manifest at the Cross, we are witnessing to Your children, created in Your image and that You will that not one single person perish, no not one.

How is it possible that God’s thoughts toward me exceed number?

Father, we know that it is only possible to go forward, as Your disciples, with Your hand upon us, Your strength within us and Your righteousness filling us. Whether we are gray-headed, bald, old, young or ill, we are beautiful in Your sight, You have promised to not forsake us. We will declare Your marvelous works and we will rejoice in Your divine presence.

Ashamed of the Gospel? A really serious error!

Father, when Jesus went to the cross and then was resurrected, He told us that He was the Deliverer of the New Covenant. We know that one facet of the New Covenant is that the truth about You was written on the heart of every person. No more wondering about Your existence, Your creation, and Your love for us. These truths have been made self-evident to us.

God is Holy, we are not; have I missed something?

Jesus, we know that even after we experience salvation, we still have a heart of flesh that will be continually challenged. You teach us that the difference is that, because of our faith in You, You have sent the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts, to counsel and comfort us and to continue to forgive us daily as we seek to be more like You.

What is wrong with fitting in? You know; get along, go along.

Father, This topic of Salvation is both pivotal and challenging. The scriptures leave us no “wiggle room”. We are either in Your Holy hand, being cared for, for eternity, or we remain what we may have considered a safe distance. Father, we know You would rather have us hot than cold in our Spiritual life and that you detest a lukewarm response.

The correct position…to hunger and thirst for the Word

Father, this pivotal event makes us able to come to You in the righteousness of Christ. Your word teaches us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. We are able to approach you as a friend of Jesus, our Advocate, as disciples seeking to serve. Oh that our eyes would fail because we spent so much time in Your word.