Daily Devotions

Am I adopted? What does predestination mean?

Am I adopted? What does predestination mean?

Father, You know the beginning from the end, the alpha from the omega. Nothing we do surprises You. You "see" what is not yet and our faith and love for You, though it requires an act of faith on our part, was foreknown to You. Thus we are predestined, adopted as sons, Holy and without blame, only because of the cleansing of You, Jesus.

I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me…

I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me…

Father, we all have the same problem. We dwell in the flesh; we are subjected to temptation on all sides, every day. We know as we seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, afresh, constantly, that we draw nearer and nearer to You. Yet, perfection awaits; sanctification is a process, not a done deal but a process, one that we seek but do not fully ap [...]

What would make Satan happy concerning you?

What would make Satan happy concerning you?

Father, You do know who has chosen to serve You. If we name Jesus as our Savior, You tell us to depart from iniquity, to stop sinning. Father, when we were young, youthful lusts pursued us but as we mature You tell us to pursue (chase after) righteousness, knowing that Satan will delight in our sins if we falter.

Do you think you ever sin in secret?

Do you think you ever sin in secret?

Jesus, all that we think, do and feel is before you. We do not face temptation alone nor do we sin in secret. Your experiences on earth are our experiences as well. You lift us up, as though we had never sinned, into the presence of the Father. Therefore, in Your righteousness, we can be bold in coming to the Father in prayer and boldly seek to ser [...]

Marriage, a trial, a test or a committment?

Marriage, a trial, a test or a committment?

We want, Father, to fully understand and commit ourselves to the view that two persons, fully committed to serving You, and each other, become as one flesh. That bond, we declare faithfully, will help us be more forgiving and more tolerant of each other's mistakes and weaknesses than is typical in our times. We see that is Your perfect will for us.

Father knows best…do you really believe that?

Father knows best…do you really believe that?

Father, we do plan our days and our future and we often say, “Lord willing”. Let us always know that what is to happen today, tomorrow and forever is known to You. We naturally focus on the days of our lives as important and we sometimes forget that they are as a vapor compared to eternity.

Me, a partaker of the Divine Nature of God?

Me, a partaker of the Divine Nature of God?

Father, Your promises are indeed great and precious promises. If we could but thoroughly understand the depth of Your love for us and Your desire for us to be like Jesus, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, we would see no alternative but to claim our gift of grace and love from You.

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess…mine too?

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess…mine too?

Jesus, You went to the Cross that we might be empowered and enlightened. We pray that You will direct us as servants, doing Your perfect will. We know Jesus that at some point in time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. We pray that those we know will not wait until that action is accompanied by total fear.

Are you staying in Spiritual shape…or is “working out” more important.

Are you staying in Spiritual shape…or is “working out” more important.

Father, You tell us to reject tales and fables and to exercise our mind in a way that brings us into Your presence. Your word says that exercise of the body profits a little and that exercise of our mind toward godliness profits us in a most complete way. Father, we want to “stay in shape” and You proclaim that as good, but You warn us that if [...]

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