Father, we thank You for Paul’s ministry. He taught us how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, who he refers to as saints. We do pray for each other, perhaps not as fervently or constantly as we should, but we know that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. You hear the prayers of those that love You so we never speak in vain when we bring our needs and hopes to You.
Is our guilt transparent mostly to ourselves?
Father, here we learn from David that works of righteousness matter. What we say and do is noticed by You. But, You have taught us elsewhere that Your grace, in calling us to Your side, and that Your mercy and our faith in Jesus, makes our works become a reflection of our faith. We know that without works our faith seems powerless and that works alone hardly distinguish us from being like any other good citizen.
Help us today to be free of self-imposed guilt. We know that You have lifted our guilt from us and that if we
My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice
We pray that our children will never envy sinners and we are happy when they honor their mother and father. Help us, today, to set a good example for our children. We are so imperfect as parents that few of us can say, “Do as I do”.
What would make Satan happy concerning you?
Father, You do know who has chosen to serve You. If we name Jesus as our Savior, You tell us to depart from iniquity, to stop sinning. Father, when we were young, youthful lusts pursued us but as we mature You tell us to pursue (chase after) righteousness, knowing that Satan will delight in our sins if we falter.
Marriage, a trial, a test or a committment?
We want, Father, to fully understand and commit ourselves to the view that two persons, fully committed to serving You, and each other, become as one flesh. That bond, we declare faithfully, will help us be more forgiving and more tolerant of each other’s mistakes and weaknesses than is typical in our times. We see that is Your perfect will for us.
Father knows best…do you really believe that?
Father, we do plan our days and our future and we often say, “Lord willing”. Let us always know that what is to happen today, tomorrow and forever is known to You. We naturally focus on the days of our lives as important and we sometimes forget that they are as a vapor compared to eternity.
Do a 180°…does that mean a complete reversal?
Father, we know that the word repent means to turn in the other direction, to make a life-changing decision, to do a 180°. None of us can, in and of our own strength, declare our salvation. We are saved by Your grace and mercy and our faith in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer, Lord and Savior.
Silent before God about your sin? A painful circumstance…
Father, when we stand before You, guilty of sin, we are truly blessed to have our sins forgiven. We know that in this life we have sinned against not only You but other people as well. We pray they are as generous in forgiving us as You have been. Father we too must forgive and forget the past sins of others. We must render to them the type of grace and mercy You have shown us.
Joy, the inspired truth about heaven
Father, when You tell us to “sing a new song”, that implies that it is not a song we know. Is that what heaven is like Father, a place of new songs, new understandings?
We can not, from this side, gain an appreciation of what heaven will be like. You have promised us that it will be beautiful, unlike anything our hearts and minds have imagined or seen.
B.C./A.D. Jesus, the turning point of history.
Father, we celebrate the birth of Jesus as a nation and in many parts of the world. We pray that the physical birth of Christ will lead to the Spiritual birth of our loved ones and a renewed vow by each of us to seek a relationship with You more and more, each day.