The Law, in stone, now carved upon our hearts.

You have told us that the truth is written on the hearts of Gentile believers. We, unlike Israel, who were given the truth by the law, have been given it in an indelible way; it is written upon our hearts.

Patience! Love! You have to be kidding. He/she is screaming at me!

You give us a constant choice as to whether to declare You to men or to stand in silence. We know that adversity is coming. We choose this day to leave judgment to You and to stand as witnesses in the midst of a world filled with iniquity. May our acquaintances this day know we are Christians by our love? Your response to our question is a resounding yes!

My heart stands in awe of Your word…Really it does!

Father, it is so hard, especially for busy parents, to take time to be alone with You, but when we do, we rejoice in the Light You shed upon us. Father, help us as parents to find a way to open the Scriptures with our children, frequently. Help them grow up seeing our commitment to You.

God’s thoughts toward you exceed number!

Father, as we cry out to You, we sometimes feel there is no way that we are able to be heard. You have just told us that Your thoughts toward us are more than can be numbered. Father, we are heard and You are miraculously present.

Pretty simple; just two commandments!

Jesus, we know that knowing the truth, such as the two greatest commandments, which summarize the 10 commandments, is not the entire issue. Help us today to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the truth can become a pivot point for a daily commitment to love You with our whole heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The Law, in stone, yet alive in your heart…

Thank You Jesus for teaching us that we never go forward in our perfection, but instead we clothe ourselves with Your cloak of righteousness, seeking to be like You, all day, every day.

Guilt leads to fear, wickedness to judgment.

The wicked applaud the wicked and in spite of the fact that each of them know they are sinning, they look away from Your impending judgment. Help us never develop a hardened heart, one that tries to dismiss You, God. We know, Father that even with the clear evidence that sin will be harshly judged, men and women ignore You and go on sinning.

The correct position…to hunger and thirst for the Word

Father, this pivotal event makes us able to come to You in the righteousness of Christ. Your word teaches us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. We are able to approach you as a friend of Jesus, our Advocate, as disciples seeking to serve. Oh that our eyes would fail because we spent so much time in Your word.

Does the “law” redeem you or convict you?

We do not trust in our obedience to the law for our salvation. Only by the redeeming blood of Jesus, shed for us, can we ever hope to stand in Your Holy presence. That Father is what separates Christianity from every other belief system. We can not enter into Your presence stained by sin and Jesus takes away our sin, forever.