Daily Devotions

Witness; you have to be kidding. I am not equipped to witness

Witness; you have to be kidding. I am not equipped to witness

Father, we never seem to feel that we have enough stuff. We strive to achieve and to make gains of every sort. Help us know that You will see us through the good times and the difficult times. Teach us to persevere in doing good, even when things seem stacked against us.

Wisdom/Perfection…are they linked?

Wisdom/Perfection…are they linked?

Give us more than wisdom alone O’God. Give us discernment Father wherein we can utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the full meaning of Your hope for us. Let us never flatter, to gain advantage, nor lack humility as we seek to serve You and our fellow man.

A tandem truth…what we say and what we do, matter to God

A tandem truth…what we say and what we do, matter to God

You tell us that there is a tandem truth; the fruit of our mouth, what we say, and the fruit of our labor, what we do, will be rendered (delivered) to us. We know You are a just God but oh how we lean upon Your mercy. Our imperfections are ever before us.

Is bragging always wrong?

Is bragging always wrong?

Even as we tell others of our love for You and Your Holy word we see that You have entrusted us with this role, not to please men, but to pass the test of focusing on Your presence in the process. Our personal righteousness is truly as filthy rags.

Package figs(PKGFGS)? What are you talking about?

Package figs(PKGFGS)? What are you talking about?

This marriage, the union of our spirit and Yours, allows us to bear fruit unto life, life eternal. It is Your will that our old nature die and that the fruits of the Holy Spirit, mark us as Yours.

Want a better view? Stand upon the Rock!

Want a better view? Stand upon the Rock!

You are the Rock, our Redeemer and You lift us to a higher place. Father, we await Your intervention, that moment when we will stand in Your Holy presence.

Curse God; praise God, curse man, praise God…What?

Curse God; praise God, curse man, praise God…What?

Father, As we try to be a light in the darkness, we sometimes feel rejected, criticized, taunted and teased. Give us Your strength in these moments and help us be patient and kind rather than angry and judgmental.

The Law, in stone, yet alive in your heart…

The Law, in stone, yet alive in your heart…

Thank You Jesus for teaching us that we never go forward in our perfection, but instead we clothe ourselves with Your cloak of righteousness, seeking to be like You, all day, every day.

How could persecution ever be a blessing?

How could persecution ever be a blessing?

Father, what a wonderful truth; if we are reviled by men because of our witness of You, it is a moment of joy, not of persecution. Help us understand that we are never to consider persecution due to our witness to be a problem; just the opposite. Unwarranted persecution is a confirmation of our love. It is a fact Jesus that Your love will grow deep [...]

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