Sorrow and sighing will depart…why, when?
Your word says that sorrow and sighing shall depart and be replaced with joy and gladness as we draw near to You. What a wonderful truth. When we retreat from the cares of the world and come to you there is comfort and peace where there had been anxiety and stress.
If not God, who is it that you trust?
We know Father that we can not have it both ways, our worthiness, our wisdom, our independent achievements and at the same time Your righteousness. We confess that our lower nature doggedly pursues us. It is Your perfection in us that we seek.
Patience! Love! You have to be kidding. He/she is screaming at me!
You give us a constant choice as to whether to declare You to men or to stand in silence. We know that adversity is coming. We choose this day to leave judgment to You and to stand as witnesses in the midst of a world filled with iniquity. May our acquaintances this day know we are Christians by our love? Your response to our question is a resoundi [...]
Even when we think we are cut off from You, You hear us.
Father, No one has shown us the marvelous kindness that You have shown us. None of us feel worthy of Your concern for us. Even when we cry out in despair, doubting Your love for us because of our circumstances, You ignore our immature attitude and You bring us back to You, stronger.
We seek you by day, you seek us by night, mysteriously
Father, when we seek You during the day, You are telling us here that You seek us by night, as we sleep. You open our ears to new knowledge, to new possibilities of service to You. You instruct us in the night seasons. Father, when Your Spirit teaches and leads our spirit, it is a gift of immeasurable value, a true act of love from You to us.
Taxes, paid to a pagan government? Why?
Jesus, we thank You for teaching us about being obedient both to the laws of man and to Your laws. You do direct us to pay our taxes, when due, and to know that rendering to man what is man’s is our duty as citizens and it is Your requirement.
I struggle with a load You want to carry for me…Why?
It is Your yoke we seek to wear, not ours. Help us to unburden ourselves and to place our cares upon You. When we do so, You say our load will lighten immediately. We will, at that moment, move from the burden of trying to understand our difficult situations (why me?!!) to grasping the reality that You do understand and that You will see us through [...]
Are we required to teach God’s word to our kids?
We know that this kind of love should definitely result in our sharing it with our children, when we teach them, pray with them and speak of You and when we rise up and when we lie down. You expect us to make Your presence a constant reality in the lives of our children.
My heart stands in awe of Your word…Really it does!
Father, it is so hard, especially for busy parents, to take time to be alone with You, but when we do, we rejoice in the Light You shed upon us. Father, help us as parents to find a way to open the Scriptures with our children, frequently. Help them grow up seeing our commitment to You.