Do we have the faith of a child?
Have you ever felt like you have or ever had a guardian angel? Why do you think that Jesus used the "faith of a child" as an example of what he expects of us all? Do you now trust God, as you once (and hopefully still do) trusted your parents?
Wisdom from within, a gift of the Holy Spirit
Your gift to us, a Spirit-filled life, is clearly something that we do not deserve nor are we able to earn it. It is a gift of grace, one that gives us access to the mind of Christ, in us, a promise and a reality that exceeds reason.
A true dilemma; to know what is right and then not do it!
Father, here Paul is teaching us that there is a great struggle going on in the heart of man. Man knows that what is right and true yet he does things that are clearly wrong, as judged by the law. We know that Jesus is the answer to the struggle. It is His Spirit in us that enable us to bring our hopes to action.
The antidote for anxiety…
Jesus, help us this day to focus on what is good, noble, pure, lovely and virtuous. We know that is Your will for us. Remove all temptation and sin from our lives, minds and hearts, we pray, in Your Holy name, amen.
Danger ahead: Who would you like to hold your hand?
It is You Jesus who will not be disgraced or ashamed in the eyes of the Father; it is You that God justifies. Who can contend with You, who is Your adversary? You Jesus will judge us; You will uphold those that seek You. You and the Father are one and we can be one with You. That is empowerment and a bit beyond our understanding. We simply acknowle [...]
Predestination…does that mean we don’t have a choice?
Jesus, predestination is such a mystery to us. Paul reminds us that You chose us, that is, You knew from the beginning of time which of us would respond to Your call. Does that mean we had no choice? Apparently not, because You repeatedly teach us to seek You, to pray about Your will for our lives to be fulfilled, to pray for the disadvantaged, to [...]
Why would I ever be severely punished?
It is no surprise to You, Father that things are as they are. You have told us to expect to be inundated with the portrayal of violence, lust, greed and every kind of sinful act, increasingly. Now “portrayal” is setting the stage for imitation and envy, taking Your children further from You.
Is teaching your children about God an “option”?
Loving You and our neighbor that much is so right, but it raises the question; do we actually possess that deep, perfect love for You and our neighbor and if so, how does it manifest itself in the course of each day?
Who has never sinned? He is our perfect example!
Father, we confess we are sinners, saved by grace and that when we reach for a relationship with Jesus, He willingly accepts us, forgives us and cleanses us.