Daily Devotions

I think I will just get through all this on my own…

I think I will just get through all this on my own…

Father, we seek to be obedient, to know Your will and to do it, this day. Strengthen us and teach us to look to You every moment of the day whether we are encountering stress or joy. We know You draw near to us as we draw near to You and that if we choose to walk away from You, we do so at our own peril.

I can take anything Satan can dish out. Oh, really?

I can take anything Satan can dish out. Oh, really?

You teach us Father that You permit the “test” but you never present the temptation. You allow it but You did not contrive a circumstance where we are tempted. Here You promise us a marvelous thing. You will, with every temptation, provide a way to escape that allows us to bear it and to come out strengthened. You never permit Satan to win when [...]

How important is it to “finish well”?

How important is it to “finish well”?

Jesus, thank you for teaching us that it is critical that we “finish well”. Whether we serve You briefly or for many years, help us, we pray, not to think of ourselves as more deserving than others. Take the pride we sometimes feel as we perform good works far from us and replace it with joy as we experience Your will for our life.

Declare Jesus and persecution is a certainty. How can I ever endure it?

Declare Jesus and persecution is a certainty. How can I ever endure it?

We do not fear those who persecute us even if they were able to sentence us to physical death for loving You. No man can take us from Your eternal protection. Your presence is like a protective shield around us, encouraging us to persist in our love.

From innocence to guilt; growing up is hard to do.

From innocence to guilt; growing up is hard to do.

We thank You Father for the simplicity of the Gospel. Help us, this day to humbly enter into Your Holy presence with a faith that is like a child’s faith.

Joy perfected; just trust and obey, for there is no other way…

Joy perfected; just trust and obey, for there is no other way…

Help us, this day, to trust and obey and to abide in Your love in such a way that it is obvious to everyone that we seek to serve You. The result you promise is that Your joy will fill us and that our joy will be complete.

A built in lie detector…a painful truth!

A built in lie detector…a painful truth!

Your Light is like a built in lie detector wherein every thought, action and vision is evaluated by You and taught to us. We are truly without excuse when we fail to turn to the Light.

Incessant prayer! Is that even possible?

Incessant prayer! Is that even possible?

Father, Paul instructs us not to cease in our prayers for others and then tells us what specific things to pray for. These things Father, we also need to receive from You, daily. Do fill us with knowledge of Your will with all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

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