Daily Devotions

Is there any reason that God might not be listening to me?

Is there any reason that God might not be listening to me?

Your word says blessed is the man who trusts You and does not look to other persons here for the kind of leadership and comfort that only You can give. Help us today to seek You in all things, at all times. In Jesus' Holy name, we pray, amen.

Does anyone enjoy hating, anger, impatience, etc. There is an alternative…

Does anyone enjoy hating, anger, impatience, etc. There is an alternative…

If we yield the fruits of the Holy Spirit, we will be as "sanctified", a posture we seek but which eludes us too often. Father, we need to be more consistent. We know, Jesus, that being like You, in our relationships, is Your desire for us. You equip us to do so when we ask. For Your forgiveness and empowerment, we are grateful.

Prophecy promised; prophecy fulfilled

Prophecy promised; prophecy fulfilled

While it was a mission of total victory for every man and woman, it was at the same time an act of passion and suffering. Jesus submitted to Your will, to go to the cross that enabling us to enter into Your presence, cleansed by the sacrificial body and blood of Jesus.

My life is really messed up…I know, let’s blame someone else.

My life is really messed up…I know, let’s blame someone else.

Father, at times we behave as though we have the heart of an unbeliever. Is Satan allowed to test our resolve, our level of committment? Since every true believer is saved forever, we need Your help in seeking Your perfect will in every situation.

Do you find “secret” groups, and exclusiveness attractive?

Do you find “secret” groups, and exclusiveness attractive?

Father, teach us the truth and help us not to be drawn into schemes or ideas that are contrary to Your word and Your revealed will. Help us turn to You for counsel being aware that the Holy Spirit utters prayers on our behalf of which we are unaware.

Goodness over evil, love over hate, joy over depression…

Goodness over evil, love over hate, joy over depression…

Father, You have told us that you have reserved a place for us in heaven. We do not know a lot about heaven, but this we know. It will be a place of perfection, in You, reserved for us because of Your grace and mercy and the enabling atonement of Jesus.

Run the race of life, but not alone. It is too hard…

Run the race of life, but not alone. It is too hard…

Your friendship and cousel is a fact even when we don't feel well. Help us notice all that is lovely and good in Your creation as evidence of the fact of Your love.

Does “commending” yourself ever work?

Does “commending” yourself ever work?

We are so tempted to remind others of how we have served You, that it embarrasses us when we reflect on our error. Please turn our tendency to be prideful into joyful humility in serving You. Joyful humility sounds like a non-sequitur but we know that You expect both of us. It is just a little tough to do both at the same time!

What is the worst mistake a person can make?

What is the worst mistake a person can make?

Father, You have taught us that fidelity counts, both in our relationships with others and in our relationship with You. Help us understand how serious a matter this is. Let us make no vow to You or to others that we are not able to keep.

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