Sorrow sets the stage for repentance and eternal life
Father, You have taught us that humility and contrition precede repentance and now we see that it is accompanied by sorrow, genuine sorrow for our sins. This sorrow is not the sort of sorrow the world feels about having made mistakes but it is sorrow leading to repentance and to the joy of a changed heart.
God’s word, written on your heart!
Now every person lives under the new covenant, one in which You have placed Your truth upon our hearts. We no longer need to be taught by man, You are our teacher. We have equal opportunity and status before You. If we but acknowledge our sin to Jesus and ask for His Light to shine upon our hearts, You have promised to remember our sins no more. Th [...]
Pray without ceasing? How can anyone do that?
We are asked to pray without ceasing. Teach us this day how to implement that teaching. Help us include You in everything we do and think. It is Your will that we enjoy the fruits of Your Holy presence (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control), constantly. Our fleshly instincts take us in the oppos [...]
Underserved kindness…a dilemma?
Here we learn that when we are kind and gentle in the face of someone who is angry with us, it confounds them and our kindness, undeserved, actually disarms them. We take no credit for the fruits of the Spirit manifested in our relationships and we do not seek praise from men for being patient and full of self-control.
Father, are You serious…no carved images?
Father, we seek to worship and glorify You and You only. It Is too small a thing to say that You are without equivalent because it implies comparison. You are incomparable, not better, but incomparable. Bless us as we seek to understand how much it disturbs You when we elevate man, images, animals and objects to a level that suggests worship.
Does God guarantee our salvation?
Our inheritance is guaranteed. It was purchased by the blood of Jesus, whose redemptive act guarantees our standing before You. Help us, this day, to fully grasp what has happened, what was foreknown to You before it ever happened and that which was clearly declared by Your prophets, hundred of years before it happened. Prophecy fulfilled; adding c [...]
Jesus prayed “early” in the morning…Why?
We are encouraged to pray early, Father, just as Jesus did so many times in the Scriptures. Praying about everything all day is Your stated will, but setting aside time with You each morning gives us an opportunity to start the day right, seeking Your blessings and direction.
Will tempatations ever stop? Not in this life…
There will come a day when Satan is restrained and Your joy will reign in the hearts of men (The Millennium) and there will be an even better day when Satan and his allies are destroyed forever. Then, in heaven, we will find out what is like to enjoy Your peace, happiness and joy eternal.
Does the idea of witnessing terrify you?
Unlike Paul, who could only be in one city at a time, Your Spirit, Jesus, is everywhere. You are always present, always aware of our thoughts, actions and words. May we bravely proclaim You when we might be inclined to keep silent. Jesus, help us be Your good and faithful servants, constantly.