Daily Devotions

How can we possibly be as pure as a newborn?

How can we possibly be as pure as a newborn?

Father, we have learned that "Abba" is translated as Daddy, a term of endearment we use to express love and trust. Has anyone that has embraced a child not understood what a privilege it is to be as "Daddy or Mommy" to a child? There is nothing more tender than a child absorbing the love and embrace of their father or mother.

New Covenant, Old Covenant, what is the difference?

New Covenant, Old Covenant, what is the difference?

You have taught us that the New Covenant is not “in addition” to the Old Covenant, but that it replaces the Old Covenant, yet, we who love You will naturally obey the commandments of our Lord. We do not obey in order to be saved, we obey because we love You and we are saved.

Impatience…the natural state of things?

Impatience…the natural state of things?

Father, we are very impatient, by nature. Not only do we fail to wait upon Your leading but we naturally want to know what tomorrow will bring. You teach us to say "Lord willing" when we announce a goal or a plan of action. That helps remind us that we may make plans but we need to pause and to ask ourselves if we are truly consulting with You, pra [...]

Are you “hanging your head” when you ought to be looking up?

Are you “hanging your head” when you ought to be looking up?

Father, You expect more from those that love You because You empower them. You remind us that You will not forget our work of love that we have advanced in Your name.

Temptation is constant…is there a way out?

Temptation is constant…is there a way out?

Help us today, we pray, to simply turn away from temptation. To yield is to become a victim and to flee from its grasp is Your stated will.

Is serving God risky?

Is serving God risky?

Father, we know there are those who dislike or hate us, especially if we are very public about our commitment to you. You promise to intervene on our behalf, many times without us even knowing we were being persecuted, and You assure us that whether now or later, Your love for us will prevail.

Too busy to interact with God?

Too busy to interact with God?

Help us find time, every day, to focus on Your presence and Your Holy word. May we never stand before You and say we were too busy to talk to You, acknowledge You and seek to know You better. In Christ’s enabling power, guide us to the foot of the Cross that we might worship You in Spirit and in truth.

I feel spiritually weak…what am I missing?

I feel spiritually weak…what am I missing?

Thank you for interceding for us with feelings and words we can not even express. We do become impatient as we wait upon You. Increase our faith, we pray.

Do we all have to be preachers?

Do we all have to be preachers?

Father, this scripture says the time will come when people will seek out teachers who tell them what they want to hear. O’ God, how we pray that You will teach Your teachers; that You will convict them and lead them to preach the whole truth, in season and out of season, when it is easy and when it is difficult.

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