Noah; why among millions was only one family saved?

Father, you have made it clear that judgment awaits the souls that do not love You and obey You. You also have made it clear that in the midst of our being tested, you have pleasure in our uprightness; our obedience to Your Holy Word.

Life is not a dead end, God’s grace is a gateway

Father, we are reminded by the Psalmist that You who created all things are mindful of us and visit us, individually. The Scriptures say that even the rocks would cry out if we did not tell men about You. Every created thing, including us, acknowledges You.

What limitations does an angel have?

We do not fully understand what kind of power the angels have but since they do Your good pleasure it seems safe to assume they can do anything You want them to do. We often limit our hopes by placing our own earthly perspective on things that simply exceed our understanding and sometimes exceed our faith.

Deny God? Not me, not ever!

The children are a special treasure in Your eyes. What is it Father that we adults lack? Do we lack the forthright nature of a child? Their innocence is genuine, not contrived. Their faith in Your love and the love of those around them is not like our faith as we mature. Our faith in other adults is usually conditional, based on how things are going at the moment

Will all of my “secrets” be revealed?

Father, Your word has a lot to say about our mouths and how they tend to get us in trouble with others and with You. Here we are reminded by You, Jesus, that there are no secrets concerning what we have thought and what we have said. Every thought, word and deed will be revealed.

God knows the numbers of hair on my head…no way.

Jesus, Your exact and specific words tell us that we are never alone, never forgotten and never without Your eye upon us. This is impossible for us to grasp. Our perspective stems from our experiences and we are not able to fully understand the concept of omnipresence.

Do you mean angels actually monitor my movements? No way…

Father, can death be joyful? Certainly not for those left behind but Your word tells us that heaven is a perfect place of peace. We do not seek to leave this place before our service to You is complete, so help us today to take every advantage You offer us to love You and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank You for sending Your angels to look after us.

Do we have access to “certainty” about eternal matters?

Jesus, You teach us that everything we see around us will pass away; all things will become new. You and Your angels will come and those who love You and whose lives have been encircled by Your righteousness will enter into eternal peace with You, forever.