Purity, in You, dispensed to us…perfect

Father, we know You created us in Your own image. You had other choices! Here, the Apostle John, referred to as “the beloved apostle” by Jesus, teaches us that we have not yet seen what will be revealed. He simply tells us to take comfort that we will be as You.

Will I suffer on judgment day? That depends on who you belong to…

Father, such words as recorded by the beloved apostle John, are too wonderful to fully grasp. Thank you for Your Spirit in us that enable us to “overcome” the evil that surrounds us. You tell us there are false prophets, people who claim to know You. Give us discerment, we pray, in identifying such people.

My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice

We pray that our children will never envy sinners and we are happy when they honor their mother and father. Help us, today, to set a good example for our children. We are so imperfect as parents that few of us can say, “Do as I do”.

Is doing the right thing burdensome? Just the opposite!

Father, we know this earth is Satan’s domain but here You tell us that You are greater than Satan. We are impotent when it comes to waging war with Satan unless we are in Your hand, filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

You say “be holy”…I feel so unworthy at times.

Being “sober-minded” is another admonition and we know that is different than intoxication from drink. You teach us that we should be orderly in our conduct, to not speak coarsely and to therefore have Your Spirit in us. You also tell us to be full of joy, so to be sober minded must not mean to be long faced and stern in our demeanor.

Wisdom, a product of having been disciplined?

Father, we all truly want our children to obey your law and to avoid being unduly influenced by kids who do not know You or at least their habits seem to indicate that they do not have a strong relationship with You. We prefer our children be witnesses of Your love, not victims of poor choices, often promulgated by others. Give our children discernment and the courage to be different, we pray.

The innocence of a child…can it be sustained?

Even though childhood and youth may be “vanity”, during these wonderful years when their smiles melt our hearts and their innocence charms us, prepare their hearts to serve You and to trust You in all things.

An innocent child…the perfect example of faith.

When we observe the purity and innocence of a child, You tell us that these children and their innocence are a representation of persons who will inhabit Your kingdom. How, Jesus, can we ever achieve that kind of innocence? The answer comes from You. “I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.”