Is perfection, apart from Christ in you, possible?

Father, we feel weak and ineffective in our witness and in the circumstances of our lives, too often. We know that if we have needs that have not been declared to You or if we set out to do something in our own strength that we are leaving out the one variable that changes everything and that is You.

B.C./A.D. Jesus, the turning point of history.

Father, we celebrate the birth of Jesus as a nation and in many parts of the world. We pray that the physical birth of Christ will lead to the Spiritual birth of our loved ones and a renewed vow by each of us to seek a relationship with You more and more, each day.

Just how much license does our liberty give us?

You tell us that if we are insensitive to the needs of a weaker brother that we are sinning against You. That is a powerful reason for us to show patience when we are inclined to do otherwise.

Sure, heaven is going to be great…but this is awful!

Father, Peter tells us a very important fact. We have been given a “living hope”. Yes, heaven awaits, but here we learn that our hope, made evident here and now, by our faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior, is a present reality.

God wills that all men live forever. Are you chosen?

Father, it could not be more clear. You chose us for salvation. We see that we are sanctified by the Spirit, as we decide to accept Your Son, Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and when we demonstrate our belief in that truth. And what is the truth but Your Holy word. That, Father, is the Good News in a nutshell. Your Spirit, and our spirit, becomes as one and the process of sanctification ensues.

A simple yardstick…what would Jesus do?

Where change is needed, shed Your light upon our lives and help us see what you would have us do. The words, “What would Jesus do?” give us an effective way to evaluate our choices. Help; us ask that question often. We pray that You will give us the resolve to more effectively seek You and serve you, this day.

Fidelity an option?

Father, it is clear that fidelity to You, the Holy Spirit in us, is of utmost importance. We were bought at a great price and if we say we love You, and in fact do love You, at least for a while, and then decide to kick You out of our lives, then we have committed the unpardonable sin which You defined in Hebrews 6:4-6.

I can’t possibly forgive that fool!

Jesus, it is so hard to not be angry, at times. Here it seems that you are reminding us that Christians shall be known by their love. You are instructing us in a new way, beyond the 6th commandment, “Thou shalt not kill”. We are, as a result of the presence of the Holy Spirit, required to be patient, kind and gentle, full of goodness, loving people who we might not feel like loving.

Eat, drink, work, play…as unto the Lord.

Help us, today, to take care of the body you have given us and to be an effective witness, one that presents ourselves as a Temple of God. Give us, we pray, the self-discipline, buoyed by the power of the Holy Spirit to be as You Jesus, full of joy, humility and love.

I have no gifts…thus I have no responsibilities. Right?

Here You teach us that our differences are in our gifts, not our means of knowing You. No gift is better than another and we all contribute, to the best of our ability, in making the Church one body in Christ Jesus. Forgive us if we add rules and conditions that are not named by You.