A built in lie detector…a painful truth!

Your Light is like a built in lie detector wherein every thought, action and vision is evaluated by You and taught to us. We are truly without excuse when we fail to turn to the Light.

Empowerment; the mind of Christ in you.

If we could have but one wish granted here on earth, it would be to have Your mind in us, Jesus, a mind that sees the beginning from the end; a mind that grants mercy when it is undeserved; a mind which lifts us from the burdens of a sinful world into a perfect and eternal heavenly result if we but love You.

Can evil and light coexist?

Father, every sinner is as we have been and if it was not for the Light of Jesus within and the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we would all be in darkness, stumbling about in a sinful world.

Pray without ceasing? How can anyone do that?

We are asked to pray without ceasing. Teach us this day how to implement that teaching. Help us include You in everything we do and think. It is Your will that we enjoy the fruits of Your Holy presence (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control), constantly. Our fleshly instincts take us in the opposite direction, too often. We seek to be like You, more and more. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.

Underserved kindness…a dilemma?

Here we learn that when we are kind and gentle in the face of someone who is angry with us, it confounds them and our kindness, undeserved, actually disarms them. We take no credit for the fruits of the Spirit manifested in our relationships and we do not seek praise from men for being patient and full of self-control.

Does God guarantee our salvation?

Our inheritance is guaranteed. It was purchased by the blood of Jesus, whose redemptive act guarantees our standing before You. Help us, this day, to fully grasp what has happened, what was foreknown to You before it ever happened and that which was clearly declared by Your prophets, hundred of years before it happened. Prophecy fulfilled; adding certainty where doubt could arise.

5 really important sentences…

Father, in 5 sentences, Paul teaches us the basics in the exercise of our faith. We are equipped by You to rejoice always, in good times and in bad times. It is Your Holy presence with us and in us that enables us to raise our eyes and hearts to You when everything around us seems to be a severe weight upon our shoulders.

Don’t we all feel inadequate at times? There is hope!

Jesus, we are weak, in so many ways. Here we learn that it is in our recognition of our inadequacies, that You empower us to serve. It is in Your strength that we go forward. How else could it be without our pride becoming a burden? Take away any trace of arrogance in our lives, we pray in Your Holy name, amen.

Goodness over evil, love over hate, joy over depression…

Father, You have told us that you have reserved a place for us in heaven. We do not know a lot about heaven, but this we know. It will be a place of perfection, in You, reserved for us because of Your grace and mercy and the enabling atonement of Jesus.