Your friendship and cousel is a fact even when we don’t feel well. Help us notice all that is lovely and good in Your creation as evidence of the fact of Your love.
What is the worst mistake a person can make?
Father, You have taught us that fidelity counts, both in our relationships with others and in our relationship with You. Help us understand how serious a matter this is. Let us make no vow to You or to others that we are not able to keep.
Every person is equipped to serve God…me too?
Father, we see that there are different ways to serve You and that You want to equip us to be as Jesus among men. Teach each of us what Your expectations are this day and every day and then enlighten us and lead us as we seek to serve You.
Is Jesus the name above every name…or an exclamation point!
Paul says witness of who Jesus was and why He matters in your life. His name is above every name! We pray that His name and our Lord’s Holy name is only spoken in fear and reverence. Forgive those who believe Your name, O’ God, is an exclamation point. How Father did we become so irreverent?
Have mercy on the souls of those who are disobedient, we pray. Amen
Do you want to represent yourself on judgment day?
Our advocate, the One who appeals to You, Himself, paid the price for our sins. This is true of no one else; therefore all judgment has been assigned to Jesus. We can boldly enter into Your presence because our faith is based on the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of a new heart and a completely new start.
How can we know that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit?
Jesus, again we hear the word “predestined” to describe what is the reality of a born-again believer, One that You knew in the beginning would turn to You, trusting You, depending upon You in even the smallest things.
Fear God…an appropriate response but not if He knows you.
Father, indeed, we who love You with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbor as ourselves, are not appointed to Your wrath. We know that does not mean that we are protected from the wrath of mankind, where people are capable of heinous crime.
How can we possibly be as pure as a newborn?
Father, we have learned that “Abba” is translated as Daddy, a term of endearment we use to express love and trust. Has anyone that has embraced a child not understood what a privilege it is to be as “Daddy or Mommy” to a child? There is nothing more tender than a child absorbing the love and embrace of their father or mother.
New Covenant, Old Covenant, what is the difference?
You have taught us that the New Covenant is not “in addition” to the Old Covenant, but that it replaces the Old Covenant, yet, we who love You will naturally obey the commandments of our Lord. We do not obey in order to be saved, we obey because we love You and we are saved.
Do we all have to be preachers?
Father, this scripture says the time will come when people will seek out teachers who tell them what they want to hear. O’ God, how we pray that You will teach Your teachers; that You will convict them and lead them to preach the whole truth, in season and out of season, when it is easy and when it is difficult.