Is Jesus the name above every name…or an exclamation point!

Paul says witness of who Jesus was and why He matters in your life. His name is above every name! We pray that His name and our Lord’s Holy name is only spoken in fear and reverence. Forgive those who believe Your name, O’ God, is an exclamation point. How Father did we become so irreverent?

Have mercy on the souls of those who are disobedient, we pray. Amen

Distress is as certain as the sunrise, too often.

Father, You tell us, over and over, that if we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. Yet, when are facing difficult circumstances, we cry out for your help, forgetting at times, that You completely understand the anguish we are feeling.

True love, a basis for courage, now and then.

We know from Your word that perfect love casts out fear. That is why, Father, we can approach You and the challenges of life with confidence. Help us remember that neither man nor evil circumstance can do anything that would destroy Your love for us or our love for You.

I am in trouble. Who is my advocate?

We beg of You, teach us Your statutes. Help us, today, to know that the initiative to learn is ours. The truths, Your statutes, lie before us. Give us understanding, peel back the uncertainty and reveal Yourself afresh, we pray in Jesus name, amen.

How might I seek You? As one gasping for air…

If in a moment of gasping for Your air, Your mercy lies ahead of us, would it not be when the end seems near, when fear has taken hold of us? Do we need to wait Father for dire circumstances before we seek the refreshment of Your Holy Spirit? No, Father, it is frequently in times of despair that we turn our eyes to You. If we only look to You when we are in trouble, what pitiful Christians we would be.

We want evil punished now, right now!

Father, sometimes we want You to raise Your hand against the enemy of Your people, now, right now! We know You will, but we see evil conquering good, too often. Give us patience as You allow or cause events to happen on Your timetable.

People may reject you…does God?

Father, give us courage when we feel that our witness is not well received. Give us understanding in the face of rejection, when it occurs. In the eyes of many, we are insignificant. If it were not for Your approval we would feel out of step, not always fitting in.

Does it take courage to cry out to God?

Father, we see that the Psalmist cries out to You, with his whole heart. When God, have we felt such anguish, such concern? Jesus Himself talks about the times he “rose up early” to talk to You, to cry out for the needs of Your people. Here the Psalmist does the same and is sometimes awake through the entire night, meditating on Your word.