Is there any reason God won’t listen to me?

What a wonderful truth – that Your mercy endures forever – for those that trust You. You extend Your loving hand, even when we were and are in sin. Father, we want to be more like Jesus and for sin to move farther and farther from us.

So easy to love God, so hard to love our neighbors!

Father, loving You, as we look at the wonder of Your creation, and learn of Your love for us, seems relatively easy compared to loving each other. We are “in the flesh” far too often, making it difficult for our children, spouses and friends to easily love us.

Life here is nothing like life eternal

You, Jesus, are the pivot point upon which all of eternity turns. Without You and the ultimate sacrifice You made for us, our sins would still be with us.

We can’t even imagine what heaven is like

You have told us that You go to prepare a place for us so that where You are we will be. It was “doubting” Thomas who said, at the time, “we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way.” Thank You Jesus for Your response. You are the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through You.

If you know you are guilty of sin, what hope do you have?

Father, You have sent Jesus and our response to his offer of salvation makes him our Advocate. What a perfect scenario. We are on trial and the one with the power to convict steps up and says “not guilty”. It will be the encapsulating righteousness of the Messiah that will allow us to stand in Your Holy, perfect, eternally blissful presence.

One true God, one true Bible and only one body of believers?

Father, given what you have taught us, how is it that mankind has developed so many different religions and denominations? If there is only one body of believers, won’t heaven be a place of unity and not division? Your Word says, we will be one body, a people worshipping You, the one true God.