Darkness (sin) to light (righteous), an easy choice

Help us this day to put on the armor of Light, to yield to the illumination You are offering. What a precarious thing it is to walk in total darkness. We can visualize how difficult it would be to extend our hands and “feel” our way through each day. That is how You portray one who chooses to walk in sin, as one agreeing to walk in darkness.

Rich and without joy?

Father, we learn from these verses that spiritual poverty makes us ineffective in fulfilling Your will. Yet, when we are full of the Holy Spirit, no matter what our economic situation by worldly standards, we possess all which You intended and by giving it away, we see others inherit the wealth, the Spiritual wealth that You desire for each of us.

A true dilemma; to know what is right and then not do it!

Father, here Paul is teaching us that there is a great struggle going on in the heart of man. Man knows that what is right and true yet he does things that are clearly wrong, as judged by the law. We know that Jesus is the answer to the struggle. It is His Spirit in us that enable us to bring our hopes to action.

Danger ahead: Who would you like to hold your hand?

It is You Jesus who will not be disgraced or ashamed in the eyes of the Father; it is You that God justifies. Who can contend with You, who is Your adversary? You Jesus will judge us; You will uphold those that seek You. You and the Father are one and we can be one with You. That is empowerment and a bit beyond our understanding. We simply acknowledge that it is true.

I can take anything Satan can dish out. Oh, really?

You teach us Father that You permit the “test” but you never present the temptation. You allow it but You did not contrive a circumstance where we are tempted. Here You promise us a marvelous thing. You will, with every temptation, provide a way to escape that allows us to bear it and to come out strengthened. You never permit Satan to win when we turn our hearts to You in the midst of a trial.

Is there any reason God won’t listen to me?

What a wonderful truth – that Your mercy endures forever – for those that trust You. You extend Your loving hand, even when we were and are in sin. Father, we want to be more like Jesus and for sin to move farther and farther from us.

So easy to love God, so hard to love our neighbors!

Father, loving You, as we look at the wonder of Your creation, and learn of Your love for us, seems relatively easy compared to loving each other. We are “in the flesh” far too often, making it difficult for our children, spouses and friends to easily love us.