Does God search my heart and test my mind?

If we only honor the good and gentle we have not distinguished ourselves from others in the world. We are to be known by our love for You and for our neighbor and if our neighbor has been granted authority by You (You, Father are sovereign), so be it. The test is theirs.

What if the end is near…what can I do?

Father, when we read of Peter’s life, prior to the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, he was quite a problem, not in things of faith, but in things of temperament. We too are ill-tempered at times but here we read the words of a Spirit filled Peter, a perfect example of a changed heart and an example of what You can do in the life of a person.

Do you mean all I have to do is ask…that’s it!

It is not a wonder to us Jesus that You would be extremely disappointed if we intentionally sin. It would be like asking You to return to the cross, repeating the sacrifice, for each of us who consciously choose to sin. We need to walk with You, fully aware of Your presence in all matters.

Is Jesus the name above every name…or an exclamation point!

Paul says witness of who Jesus was and why He matters in your life. His name is above every name! We pray that His name and our Lord’s Holy name is only spoken in fear and reverence. Forgive those who believe Your name, O’ God, is an exclamation point. How Father did we become so irreverent?

Have mercy on the souls of those who are disobedient, we pray. Amen

How critical is it that we “finish well”?

Father, we confess our dependence on You. You have taught us that to know You and then abandon You is a grave error. Those who do so are like the thorns and briars that will be destroyed in the end. But we who love You and all the works we do in Your name will not be forgotten.

How do you know who is telling the truth about God?

Your word says that Jesus, when He died for our sins and rose again, said You would send the Holy Spirit to all men. Jesus said that the truth would be written on our hearts and that those who do not acknowledge that truth will be without excuse.

Fear God…an appropriate response but not if He knows you.

Father, indeed, we who love You with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbor as ourselves, are not appointed to Your wrath. We know that does not mean that we are protected from the wrath of mankind, where people are capable of heinous crime.

How can we possibly be as pure as a newborn?

Father, we have learned that “Abba” is translated as Daddy, a term of endearment we use to express love and trust. Has anyone that has embraced a child not understood what a privilege it is to be as “Daddy or Mommy” to a child? There is nothing more tender than a child absorbing the love and embrace of their father or mother.