Father, teach us the truth and help us not to be drawn into schemes or ideas that are contrary to Your word and Your revealed will. Help us turn to You for counsel being aware that the Holy Spirit utters prayers on our behalf of which we are unaware.
Goodness over evil, love over hate, joy over depression…
Father, You have told us that you have reserved a place for us in heaven. We do not know a lot about heaven, but this we know. It will be a place of perfection, in You, reserved for us because of Your grace and mercy and the enabling atonement of Jesus.
Run the race of life, but not alone. It is too hard…
Your friendship and cousel is a fact even when we don’t feel well. Help us notice all that is lovely and good in Your creation as evidence of the fact of Your love.
Does “commending” yourself ever work?
We are so tempted to remind others of how we have served You, that it embarrasses us when we reflect on our error. Please turn our tendency to be prideful into joyful humility in serving You. Joyful humility sounds like a non-sequitur but we know that You expect both of us. It is just a little tough to do both at the same time!
Does God search my heart and test my mind?
If we only honor the good and gentle we have not distinguished ourselves from others in the world. We are to be known by our love for You and for our neighbor and if our neighbor has been granted authority by You (You, Father are sovereign), so be it. The test is theirs.
The death of a saint is glorius…the death of an unrepentant sinner is an eternal tragedy.
Jesus, Paul reminds us that when judgment is dispensed it will be a righteous thing because it will be based upon justice. We know Father that the mercy seat sits upon the top of the Ark of the Covenant (the Law) and that mercy will prevail for those who seek it.
What if the end is near…what can I do?
Father, when we read of Peter’s life, prior to the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, he was quite a problem, not in things of faith, but in things of temperament. We too are ill-tempered at times but here we read the words of a Spirit filled Peter, a perfect example of a changed heart and an example of what You can do in the life of a person.
Do you mean all I have to do is ask…that’s it!
It is not a wonder to us Jesus that You would be extremely disappointed if we intentionally sin. It would be like asking You to return to the cross, repeating the sacrifice, for each of us who consciously choose to sin. We need to walk with You, fully aware of Your presence in all matters.
Is Jesus the name above every name…or an exclamation point!
Paul says witness of who Jesus was and why He matters in your life. His name is above every name! We pray that His name and our Lord’s Holy name is only spoken in fear and reverence. Forgive those who believe Your name, O’ God, is an exclamation point. How Father did we become so irreverent?
Have mercy on the souls of those who are disobedient, we pray. Amen
How critical is it that we “finish well”?
Father, we confess our dependence on You. You have taught us that to know You and then abandon You is a grave error. Those who do so are like the thorns and briars that will be destroyed in the end. But we who love You and all the works we do in Your name will not be forgotten.