Father, we stand before You all day, every day, completely exposed. We
have no secret thoughts or actions and You tell us here that we must give
an account for our decisions.
Suffer patiently? How is that possible…
Jesus, our objective is to be like You. We will need a lot of help not to return evil for evil. If people are critical of us, to take such criticism without angrily giving it back to them, doubly for some of us, requires Your Spirit in us.
God’s word can never be stamped void. It invades your space
Father, we thank You for Paul’s ministry. He taught us how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, who he refers to as saints. We do pray for each other, perhaps not as fervently or constantly as we should, but we know that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. You hear the prayers of those that love You so we never speak in vain when we bring our needs and hopes to You.
Will mercy triumph over judgment? I pray it does…
Jesus, here we have Your half brother, James, clarifying that sin is sin and that there is no hierarchy of sin. Whether we have committed relatively small sins or grievous sins, we are all in the same place. We need Your forgiveness and cleansing and we need to show mercy to others as You have shown mercy to us.
Troubled? Draw near to God. He is there for you…
Father, this simple admonition by James is a verse that constantly reminds us where the initiative must lie. We often lament over our circumstances, we feel alone, deserted and not cared for. Here we are taught by Jesus’ brother that when we set out to draw near to You, You will draw near to us. The ball is in our court. It is our responsibility to act rather to complain about feeling impotent, lonely or depressed.
My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice
We pray that our children will never envy sinners and we are happy when they honor their mother and father. Help us, today, to set a good example for our children. We are so imperfect as parents that few of us can say, “Do as I do”.