Sometimes I feel so impotent…does God care?

When it seems that our soul is melting with heaviness we can become very discouraged and depressed. Help us know that the difficulties of life are so very brief, though very real, and that we are able to overcome these ill feelings in Your strength, not ours.

When is an “oath” o.k…hardly ever!

Jesus, You have taught us that the same mouth should not praise You and curse men. We know that swearing an oath is a mistake unless we are certain we can unerringly perform that oath. But swearing has become a way of life in these times. We hear people say “By God, I will do such and such” (it pains me to even quote such persons). You teach us that this is an oath from an empty headed, hard hearted person in terms of their walk with You.

Last here, first there. Disabled here, enabled there!

We could look at this teaching and say, “Boy, I am sure glad I don’t have much” believing little is expected of you. Money, fame intelligence, speaking ability, and dexterity are all gifts from God. But re-read the words of Jesus up above; do you think all of those gifts carry no particular obligation? What if you were the person with any or all of those gifts? What would you think that God expects of you?

Heaven…we can only imagine how perfect it will be.

Father, You know how we love life and all of its opportunities yet we also look forward to perfection, an eternal life without sin and suffering. We who love You and have committed ourselves to Your service await the moment in time when we finally see all that You have prepared for us. You tell us that eye has not seen nor has mind imagined that which You have prepared for us.

My loving God angry? What’s up with that…

Father, we know that in the end, your righteous indignation with those who did not accept You nor Your Son, is promised. We do not know the specifics of their fate but we do not need to know. All we need to do Father is to be among those who are saved, whose salvation is assured.

Just how much license does our liberty give us?

You tell us that if we are insensitive to the needs of a weaker brother that we are sinning against You. That is a powerful reason for us to show patience when we are inclined to do otherwise.

What is wrong with “getting even”?

Jesus, You taught us that if we do not forgive our enemies You will not forgive us. You said to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Yet when the enemy attacks we are inclined to take matters into our own hands. Give us the courage, we pray, to display patience when our lower nature tempts us to “get even”, right now!

Darkness preferred over Light? You must be kidding.

You are the light, Jesus. As we come to You we are directed and taught, as friends. In seeking You and Your Holy word, fervently, we are voluntarily coming to the light that our lives might be clearly seen as a loving witness of Your presence in us.

Will all of my “secrets” be revealed?

Father, Your word has a lot to say about our mouths and how they tend to get us in trouble with others and with You. Here we are reminded by You, Jesus, that there are no secrets concerning what we have thought and what we have said. Every thought, word and deed will be revealed.