Father, we know that it is only possible to go forward, as Your disciples, with Your hand upon us, Your strength within us and Your righteousness filling us. Whether we are gray-headed, bald, old, young or ill, we are beautiful in Your sight, You have promised to not forsake us. We will declare Your marvelous works and we will rejoice in Your divine presence.
Impotent, not a word you want directed at you!
Your word teaches that we lack no spiritual gift, yet, we often feel impotent, spiritually. If the gift is present why do we feel that way? You teach us the answer in many places; You never move away from us but we are free to move away from You and when we do, we disconnect ourselves from Your Spirit in us.
40 years in the desert and their sandals did not wear out?
Father, we, and everyone in the world, have been chosen by You to receive Your grace. Jesus, when He went to the cross and was raised again, told us that His death and resurrection established a New Covenant, one in which the truth is written on the heart of every man, whereby no one is without at least some Light.
Curse God; praise God, curse man, praise God…What?
Father, As we try to be a light in the darkness, we sometimes feel rejected, criticized, taunted and teased. Give us Your strength in these moments and help us be patient and kind rather than angry and judgmental.
The Law, in stone, yet alive in your heart…
Thank You Jesus for teaching us that we never go forward in our perfection, but instead we clothe ourselves with Your cloak of righteousness, seeking to be like You, all day, every day.
Will it be a fear filled moment when we stand in Your presence?
Jesus, we know that those who do not proclaim their love for You, will experience fear when You judge them. On the other hand, if we love You, we have a Spirit of adoption. You are our Savior, our Friend.
Do I need to make some lifestyle changes?
If we were to make a list of things that we think “defile the temple”, what would our list include? God, help us know what it is that You would have us stop doing.
The Devil made me do it!
Core Christian Value: As long as we inhabit this mortal body, we will face temptation. But, we never face it alone. God permits the test and as long as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, Satan loses.
What is wrong with fitting in? You know; get along, go along.
Father, This topic of Salvation is both pivotal and challenging. The scriptures leave us no “wiggle room”. We are either in Your Holy hand, being cared for, for eternity, or we remain what we may have considered a safe distance. Father, we know You would rather have us hot than cold in our Spiritual life and that you detest a lukewarm response.
Search me, try me O God…Really?
Keep us from anxieties and depression we pray which can only be overcome, ultimately, by drawing near to You. When we tend to drift away from You, allowing the world around us to establish our agenda, forgive us. Teach us to seek Your will in every circumstance.