The Law, in stone, now carved upon our hearts.

You have told us that the truth is written on the hearts of Gentile believers. We, unlike Israel, who were given the truth by the law, have been given it in an indelible way; it is written upon our hearts.

Taxes, paid to a pagan government? Why?

Jesus, we thank You for teaching us about being obedient both to the laws of man and to Your laws. You do direct us to pay our taxes, when due, and to know that rendering to man what is man’s is our duty as citizens and it is Your requirement.

Are we required to teach God’s word to our kids?

We know that this kind of love should definitely result in our sharing it with our children, when we teach them, pray with them and speak of You and when we rise up and when we lie down. You expect us to make Your presence a constant reality in the lives of our children.

I have no gifts…thus I have no responsibilities. Right?

Here You teach us that our differences are in our gifts, not our means of knowing You. No gift is better than another and we all contribute, to the best of our ability, in making the Church one body in Christ Jesus. Forgive us if we add rules and conditions that are not named by You.

Am I my brother’s keeper…yes, more than I thought.

You teach us that our conscience must be clear when we make choices about eating and drinking and that if our heart convicts us concerning such things, we should refrain. You also tell us that if we do not feel right about what we are doing and we go on doing it, we are sinning.

Is there any upside to being tested? I prefer no difficult moments!

Father, not every day seems to “go right” but we know that you allow us to be tested. Help us not to resist the testing as something negative, but to see it as a chance to depend upon You. We know that during the testing we are tempted to lose faith, to get discouraged and to doubt Your presence in the situation. That is what the tempter does, Father. Satan wants us to waiver in our faith.

My anguish is such that I actually cry out…who cares?

Father, we too live in a time of many false gods and many are simply without any faith in any god. O’God, help us this day to show men who You are by our faith and obedience to You. We know You care. Give Your strength to Your servant…

When is the last time you truly felt joyful?

When we enter into the joy of the Lord, we do so twice, once now and once again for eternity, in heaven. You teach us to have joy now, even in turmoil, not because we enjoy trouble, but because it is temporary and our joy in Your grace prevails before, during and after difficulty.

God’s thoughts toward you exceed number!

Father, as we cry out to You, we sometimes feel there is no way that we are able to be heard. You have just told us that Your thoughts toward us are more than can be numbered. Father, we are heard and You are miraculously present.

Pretty simple; just two commandments!

Jesus, we know that knowing the truth, such as the two greatest commandments, which summarize the 10 commandments, is not the entire issue. Help us today to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the truth can become a pivot point for a daily commitment to love You with our whole heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves.