Omnipresent… God’s thoughts towards me exceed number?

Father, When we look at all You have created, we are overwhelmed with Your omniscience and omnipotence. You are indeed all knowing and all powerful. Here You tell us of Your omnipresence in our lives. Your thoughts towards us exceed number. You are a constant reality. We are truly never alone.

Will the challenges ever stop? In this life…never.

Father, the wisdom from You, freely given to those who ask, makes witnessing of Your love, a sweet experience. We read of our individual accountability and ask You to help us O’God to seek and to do Your will every day. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.

Is our guilt transparent mostly to ourselves?

Father, here we learn from David that works of righteousness matter. What we say and do is noticed by You. But, You have taught us elsewhere that Your grace, in calling us to Your side, and that Your mercy and our faith in Jesus, makes our works become a reflection of our faith. We know that without works our faith seems powerless and that works alone hardly distinguish us from being like any other good citizen.

Help us today to be free of self-imposed guilt. We know that You have lifted our guilt from us and that if we

My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice

We pray that our children will never envy sinners and we are happy when they honor their mother and father. Help us, today, to set a good example for our children. We are so imperfect as parents that few of us can say, “Do as I do”.

Have I ever told anyone that I love Jesus?

Father, it seems like we have a huge number of decisions to make every day. Teach us that it is Your desire that we place every decision before You, asking for guidance. We know that in the midst of this Satan has been given a license to try and discourage us. You not only permit the test but You provide us with a way out of trouble, if we will but look to You.

The pain of birth, the joy of an eternal future

Jesus, You taught Your disciples of Your impending crucifixion and they, at first, did not understand. We now stand on the other side of that event. You likened the depth of Your pain to childbirth, in that while it seemed unfathomable, shortly thereafter the joy of birth turned the pain into rejoicing in a new life, a child created in Your image. Jesus, You have gone through pain, disgrace and separation for each one of us and have emerged our risen Savior. Your suffering has led us to the portal of eternal life, to our Spiritual birth. Now we rejoice, not in the suffering, which we too will occasionally experience, but in the resurrection and redemption, first of You, then of us.

My burdens are too much for me…is there any help?

If we could but remember to take Your yoke upon us, for You have no burden, where ours sometimes feels unbearable. We know Father that You see our circumstance and that you have compassion for us. Relieve us we pray, of the tendency to weigh ourselves down when You are willing to lift us up.

Am I Spiritually blind? It is a self-inflicted wound.

Lord and Father, what a wonderful promise. If we seek You we shall find You; but what is it to forsake You? When Jesus, do we abandon You, when do we leave You out of the moments of our life? We admit it is far too often. You tell us that You search our hearts and know the intents of our heart. Lord, we hide nothing because nothing can be hidden from You.

Fidelity…an option?

Jesus, again, Your teachings are not unclear; demanding but not unclear. Why Jesus do You place such emphasis on fidelity? Is it because marriage between a man and woman, where two become as one, is a parallel of our fidelity to You, where Your Spirit lives in us and if we were to show infidelity towards You, it would be a great offense? We know that infidelity towards You, after Your Spirit has been united with our spirit, is the only unforgivable sin.