Jesus, You teach us that everything we see around us will pass away; all things will become new. You and Your angels will come and those who love You and whose lives have been encircled by Your righteousness will enter into eternal peace with You, forever.
Your age in heaven? Neither old nor young. Babies? Old people? No.
Jesus, when you spoke these words, You were giving us a glimpse of what we should expect in heaven. We simply can not fully grasp what heaven will be like but here You tell us there will not be marriages, thus no procreation, no child bearing and no babies. You also told us elsewhere that we will be neither young nor old in heaven.
The ultimate safety net, the keeper of our souls, our Lord.
Father, You have taught us to “look up” as we seek You, that Your glory is in the heavens. There is a lot of stuff to look at as we look down, but even the beautiful flowers will wither. We appreciate the beauty of all Your creation, but help us as we seek to focus on the eternal, the heavenly reward that has been prepared for those who love You.
Too focused on heaven…Not likely!
Jesus, escaping to Your side is our hope and our aim. We know that when You appear, we will then appear with You, safely comforted and shielded from all sin, all suffering and every weakness that troubled us here. Help us today to set our minds on You, knowing that the present suffering can not be compared to the glory that awaits.
No foreign languages in heaven?
Father, where we now speak many different languages we see that when we are with You in heaven we will all speak one pure language. It will be a heavenly language, perhaps unlike any language we now understand. That fact, in itself, gives us additional understanding that heaven will be something much different than we have ever experienced.
Wisdom/Perfection…are they linked?
Give us more than wisdom alone O’God. Give us discernment Father wherein we can utilize the power of the Holy Spirit to understand the full meaning of Your hope for us. Let us never flatter, to gain advantage, nor lack humility as we seek to serve You and our fellow man.
How could persecution ever be a blessing?
Father, what a wonderful truth; if we are reviled by men because of our witness of You, it is a moment of joy, not of persecution. Help us understand that we are never to consider persecution due to our witness to be a problem; just the opposite. Unwarranted persecution is a confirmation of our love. It is a fact Jesus that Your love will grow deeper for us as we declare You before men.
Why might God be postponing your death?
Father, none of us want to die before our appointed time and none of us will. The day of our departure is known by You, controlled by You and here we learn that being with You will be far better than any place that we could be.
Do angels actually comfort God’s children?
Jesus, we know that when You suffered on the cross for our sins and took our sins upon yourself, that it meant separation from the Father, for the moment, since the Father will not allow sin or sinners in His Holy presence. You suffered as we would have had to suffer if it was not for Your sacrifice. Your assumption of our sins accomplished for us what we could never accomplish on our own.
Are we at risk when we witness?
If and when we suffer for declaring You, Jesus, among men, we know that our tribulations bring glory to You. We never can out give You. What You did to redeem us exceeds anything we could have hoped for. Our manifest love for You is our response to Your love for us.