My anguish is such that I actually cry out…who cares?

Father, we too live in a time of many false gods and many are simply without any faith in any god. O’God, help us this day to show men who You are by our faith and obedience to You. We know You care. Give Your strength to Your servant…

You are invited to enter, behind the veil.

Father, first You have called us saints and now You invite us to enter into Your Holy Presence, a place where only the High Priest could enter once a year, behind the veil.

What is God’s fire extinguisher?

Jesus, we know that having Your presence in our lives and hearts brings us peace. Yet, we do not always feel at peace. We sometimes say the wrong things, do the wrong things and think the wrong things. We know, Jesus, there is no peace in disobedience.

What is wrong with fitting in? You know; get along, go along.

Father, This topic of Salvation is both pivotal and challenging. The scriptures leave us no “wiggle room”. We are either in Your Holy hand, being cared for, for eternity, or we remain what we may have considered a safe distance. Father, we know You would rather have us hot than cold in our Spiritual life and that you detest a lukewarm response.

Do angels actually comfort God’s children?

Jesus, we know that when You suffered on the cross for our sins and took our sins upon yourself, that it meant separation from the Father, for the moment, since the Father will not allow sin or sinners in His Holy presence. You suffered as we would have had to suffer if it was not for Your sacrifice. Your assumption of our sins accomplished for us what we could never accomplish on our own.

By choosing to draw near to You, You draw near to us…

Drawing near to You in all circumstances and at all times is Your desire for us. You have told us that Your thoughts toward us exceed number. What a wonderful reality. Help us, this day, to respond to that truth by acknowledging Your presence and asking for Your guidance

Revenge is sweet…or does it diminish me?

Help us this day not to act as though we are responsible for judging the affairs of evil people. We pray for their salvation. Seeing the lamp of an evil person put out is to see them suffering in darkness forever.

Wisdom from within, a gift of the Holy Spirit

Your gift to us, a Spirit-filled life, is clearly something that we do not deserve nor are we able to earn it. It is a gift of grace, one that gives us access to the mind of Christ, in us, a promise and a reality that exceeds reason.

I can take anything Satan can dish out. Oh, really?

You teach us Father that You permit the “test” but you never present the temptation. You allow it but You did not contrive a circumstance where we are tempted. Here You promise us a marvelous thing. You will, with every temptation, provide a way to escape that allows us to bear it and to come out strengthened. You never permit Satan to win when we turn our hearts to You in the midst of a trial.