Wisdom from within, a gift of the Holy Spirit

Your gift to us, a Spirit-filled life, is clearly something that we do not deserve nor are we able to earn it. It is a gift of grace, one that gives us access to the mind of Christ, in us, a promise and a reality that exceeds reason.

I can take anything Satan can dish out. Oh, really?

You teach us Father that You permit the “test” but you never present the temptation. You allow it but You did not contrive a circumstance where we are tempted. Here You promise us a marvelous thing. You will, with every temptation, provide a way to escape that allows us to bear it and to come out strengthened. You never permit Satan to win when we turn our hearts to You in the midst of a trial.

So easy to love God, so hard to love our neighbors!

Father, loving You, as we look at the wonder of Your creation, and learn of Your love for us, seems relatively easy compared to loving each other. We are “in the flesh” far too often, making it difficult for our children, spouses and friends to easily love us.

Empowerment; the mind of Christ in you.

If we could have but one wish granted here on earth, it would be to have Your mind in us, Jesus, a mind that sees the beginning from the end; a mind that grants mercy when it is undeserved; a mind which lifts us from the burdens of a sinful world into a perfect and eternal heavenly result if we but love You.

Life here is nothing like life eternal

You, Jesus, are the pivot point upon which all of eternity turns. Without You and the ultimate sacrifice You made for us, our sins would still be with us.

Tongues; only interpretation makes this gift useful

Father, we know that all gifts of the Spirit are from You and that they differ greatly. Help us become more aware of our personal gifts and to not doubt that we have gifts. A gift which brings honor and glory to You is the most desirable gift.

God’s word, written on your heart!

Now every person lives under the new covenant, one in which You have placed Your truth upon our hearts. We no longer need to be taught by man, You are our teacher. We have equal opportunity and status before You. If we but acknowledge our sin to Jesus and ask for His Light to shine upon our hearts, You have promised to remember our sins no more. Thank You Father that the only sacrifice needed forever more, has been made. Atonement, perfect atonement, once and for all.

Pray without ceasing? How can anyone do that?

We are asked to pray without ceasing. Teach us this day how to implement that teaching. Help us include You in everything we do and think. It is Your will that we enjoy the fruits of Your Holy presence (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control), constantly. Our fleshly instincts take us in the opposite direction, too often. We seek to be like You, more and more. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.