We are asked to pray without ceasing. Teach us this day how to implement that teaching. Help us include You in everything we do and think. It is Your will that we enjoy the fruits of Your Holy presence (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control), constantly. Our fleshly instincts take us in the opposite direction, too often. We seek to be like You, more and more. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.
Jesus prayed “early” in the morning…Why?
We are encouraged to pray early, Father, just as Jesus did so many times in the Scriptures. Praying about everything all day is Your stated will, but setting aside time with You each morning gives us an opportunity to start the day right, seeking Your blessings and direction.
We are heirs of salvation…we are family!
Father, it is sometimes difficult to admit it, but we were all once strangers and foreigners to You. That was our condition before we learned of Your grace to us and of salvation from Jesus. But now we are citizens of heaven with all of the other saints, we are members of Your household. We are family!
What is the worst mistake a person can make?
Father, You have taught us that fidelity counts, both in our relationships with others and in our relationship with You. Help us understand how serious a matter this is. Let us make no vow to You or to others that we are not able to keep.
How can we know that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit?
Jesus, again we hear the word “predestined” to describe what is the reality of a born-again believer, One that You knew in the beginning would turn to You, trusting You, depending upon You in even the smallest things.
Did God know you would “choose” Him?
First, Father, we know that You and Jesus are as one and that our election, our predestination was known by You. You would not be omniscient if You did not know that we would respond to Your love for us, personally. You knew we would accept Your invitation, Your grace and Your mercy.
Do you mean that God knew whether I would choose to love Him?
Father, we earnestly pray that You will help us in what seems like an unending quest, punctuated by tests, permitted by You. If our journey seems uncertain, in terms of events and goals, we have assurance that all things work to the good for those that love You and obey You. Your grace is sufficient in all things. Give us comfort this day that You are present and that You care, constantly. Your love is made manifest in everything we see.