Father, we know that it is only possible to go forward, as Your disciples, with Your hand upon us, Your strength within us and Your righteousness filling us. Whether we are gray-headed, bald, old, young or ill, we are beautiful in Your sight, You have promised to not forsake us. We will declare Your marvelous works and we will rejoice in Your divine presence.
You are invited to enter, behind the veil.
Father, first You have called us saints and now You invite us to enter into Your Holy Presence, a place where only the High Priest could enter once a year, behind the veil.
Love without end; perfect fidelity!
Father, this much quoted “love” chapter has some wonderful promises. When we immerse our spirit in Your Spirit, this gift of love lifts us to levels of caring and commitment well beyond anything we can achieve in the flesh.
Have I unknowingly been in the presence of an angel?
Father, are angels for real? Your words confirm that angels are indeed real and that we interact with them and are observed by them more than we know. It is sort of a scary thing, at first, because we don’t know whether we just entertainied an angel or if we are in the presence of a person that seems a little more interested in us than we would expect.
How on earth could I ever be called a saint?
Help us, this day, to grasp the fact that we cannot enter into Your presence as sinners and that our only hope for salvation is in Christ Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer, who stands before You proclaiming our worthiness, in Him. What a perfect advocate You have sent Father. Our sins are as separate from us as the east is from the west, never to be remembered against us, ever again.
Our hope is in that which we can not yet see.
There are some things, Jesus, which we can directly experience. We can experience the renewal of our lives, the uplifting of the Spirit and the counsel of Your Holy word. Yes, Jesus, You do love us, You do hear our prayers and You do attend to our needs. To whom else can we turn? Our hope in is You.
Peace now…even in strife, followed by eternal joy. Perfect!
You bless us in good times and bad but it is the latter in which we humbly seek your help. Teach us to bring every single circumstance of our lives to You, asking for Your Holy hand upon us.
Will we be able to say to Jesus, “I didn’t know”?
We thank You Father for sending the Holy Spirit to encourage us and strengthen our resolve to do the right thing. That fact, along with the forgiveness of all confessed sin, due to the redemptive power of Jesus, means we will be without excuse if we say “but I did not know”.
Does the idea of witnessing terrify you?
Unlike Paul, who could only be in one city at a time, Your Spirit, Jesus, is everywhere. You are always present, always aware of our thoughts, actions and words. May we bravely proclaim You when we might be inclined to keep silent. Jesus, help us be Your good and faithful servants, constantly.
How would your day go if you “felt” the presence of Christ?
We thank you Father for sending the Holy Spirit, a constant source of Your Holy presence in us. O’God, Your thoughts toward us exceed number. That is a reality we have a hard time grasping. Can we do any less but to look to You, all day, in every circumstance. We truly never need to walk alone.