Father, we know this earth is Satan’s domain but here You tell us that You are greater than Satan. We are impotent when it comes to waging war with Satan unless we are in Your hand, filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Am I adopted? What does predestination mean?
Father, You know the beginning from the end, the alpha from the omega. Nothing we do surprises You. You “see” what is not yet and our faith and love for You, though it requires an act of faith on our part, was foreknown to You. Thus we are predestined, adopted as sons, Holy and without blame, only because of the cleansing of You, Jesus.
Do you think you ever sin in secret?
Jesus, all that we think, do and feel is before you. We do not face temptation alone nor do we sin in secret. Your experiences on earth are our experiences as well. You lift us up, as though we had never sinned, into the presence of the Father. Therefore, in Your righteousness, we can be bold in coming to the Father in prayer and boldly seek to serve Him, which is the essence of our purpose.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess…mine too?
Jesus, You went to the Cross that we might be empowered and enlightened. We pray that You will direct us as servants, doing Your perfect will. We know Jesus that at some point in time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. We pray that those we know will not wait until that action is accompanied by total fear.
The pain of birth, the joy of an eternal future
Jesus, You taught Your disciples of Your impending crucifixion and they, at first, did not understand. We now stand on the other side of that event. You likened the depth of Your pain to childbirth, in that while it seemed unfathomable, shortly thereafter the joy of birth turned the pain into rejoicing in a new life, a child created in Your image. Jesus, You have gone through pain, disgrace and separation for each one of us and have emerged our risen Savior. Your suffering has led us to the portal of eternal life, to our Spiritual birth. Now we rejoice, not in the suffering, which we too will occasionally experience, but in the resurrection and redemption, first of You, then of us.
The moment has come. It is time to glorify Jesus.
Jesus, we acknowledge You as the Son of God, our personal Savior and our Advocate at the time of judgment. We have confidence that our love for You, by the grace given to us by God to be His chosen children, will result in our being with all believers in heaven, rejoicing forever.
Hey, do you need an attorney…This one is perfect!
We see that singing and rejoicing will characterize our arrival. What a joy filled scene that will be. Help us here and now to not forget that Your will is that we be joyful, knowing You are for us; You are the perfect Advocate. We could never enter into the Father’s presence without your advocacy. Your healing Spirit is both our hope and our reality.
Last here, first there. Disabled here, enabled there!
We could look at this teaching and say, “Boy, I am sure glad I don’t have much” believing little is expected of you. Money, fame intelligence, speaking ability, and dexterity are all gifts from God. But re-read the words of Jesus up above; do you think all of those gifts carry no particular obligation? What if you were the person with any or all of those gifts? What would you think that God expects of you?
My loving God angry? What’s up with that…
Father, we know that in the end, your righteous indignation with those who did not accept You nor Your Son, is promised. We do not know the specifics of their fate but we do not need to know. All we need to do Father is to be among those who are saved, whose salvation is assured.
Just how much license does our liberty give us?
You tell us that if we are insensitive to the needs of a weaker brother that we are sinning against You. That is a powerful reason for us to show patience when we are inclined to do otherwise.