Father, we earnestly pray that You will help us in what seems like an unending quest, punctuated by tests, permitted by You. If our journey seems uncertain, in terms of events and goals, we have assurance that all things work to the good for those that love You and obey You. Your grace is sufficient in all things. Give us comfort this day that You are present and that You care, constantly. Your love is made manifest in everything we see.
An unexamined life is not worth living…still true (Socrates)
Here You tell us to examine ourselves, to look into our hearts and ask ourselves if the Holy Spirit, Jesus in us, actually exists. The answer, if we are to be saved, is yes, yes, He lives in my heart and every time I turn to Him I am making the right decision, the right move. Bless each of us and help us as we seek to know You better.
Problems abound; God is your solution, forever.
Father, we can see that this simple promise is the key to our salvation. If we draw near to You, You will draw near to us, The opposite probably is true as well. If we distance ourselves from You, You will distance Yourself from us. We know from many scriptures that our sins grieve You. It seems our neglect of You, as we live our lives, does the same.
I humbly declare I am not proud; never have been.
Father, we know that to be like Jesus is our goal and we also know that our lower nature, our flesh, often causes us to act more like a goof ball than a saint. Give us the humility we pray to allow You to overcome that which is present in all of us. You promised to do so if we but ask.
Your Presence surrounds us. We are never alone.
Keep us from valuing anything or anyone more than our relationship with You. You are the constant, unchanging Presence. Jesus, You alone are our Judge and our Redeemer. Strengthen our fidelity to You.
Our eternal High Priest, Jesus, is our advocate…perfect!
Father, we stand before You all day, every day, completely exposed. We
have no secret thoughts or actions and You tell us here that we must give
an account for our decisions.
Is doing the right thing burdensome? Just the opposite!
Father, we know this earth is Satan’s domain but here You tell us that You are greater than Satan. We are impotent when it comes to waging war with Satan unless we are in Your hand, filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Am I adopted? What does predestination mean?
Father, You know the beginning from the end, the alpha from the omega. Nothing we do surprises You. You “see” what is not yet and our faith and love for You, though it requires an act of faith on our part, was foreknown to You. Thus we are predestined, adopted as sons, Holy and without blame, only because of the cleansing of You, Jesus.
Do you think you ever sin in secret?
Jesus, all that we think, do and feel is before you. We do not face temptation alone nor do we sin in secret. Your experiences on earth are our experiences as well. You lift us up, as though we had never sinned, into the presence of the Father. Therefore, in Your righteousness, we can be bold in coming to the Father in prayer and boldly seek to serve Him, which is the essence of our purpose.
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess…mine too?
Jesus, You went to the Cross that we might be empowered and enlightened. We pray that You will direct us as servants, doing Your perfect will. We know Jesus that at some point in time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. We pray that those we know will not wait until that action is accompanied by total fear.