Jesus, being wise and prudent would seem to be a very good thing. How is it that here You say that Your teachings are hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed to babes? We know the answer from Your word. Prudence and wisdom, of which Solomon had abundance, did not necessarily always lead to a closer walk with You.
Depraved, disappointed, disconnected; that is not God’s will.
When we yield our hearts to You, the abundant life is guaranteed to follow. We know, Jesus, that abundance here does not mean material things, although You bless us in so many ways. The abundance You provide is both eternal and right now. Your presence is our comfort, our assurance of Your love.
The Law, in stone, now carved upon our hearts.
You have told us that the truth is written on the hearts of Gentile believers. We, unlike Israel, who were given the truth by the law, have been given it in an indelible way; it is written upon our hearts.
So, how dangerous, in the eyes of God, is it to offend a child?
Jesus, Your love and protection of our children could not be made more clear. You have assigned an angel to each one and that angel comes from the presence of the Father, to comfort and counsel every child. We know from experience, Jesus, that our children are imperfect. But, it is not their perfect behavior that protects them; they reside in Your righteousness.
Jesus, how could we attend church, give offerings, sing in the choir, and pray without You “knowing” us? The answer is in Your word. “Works” or the performance of duties, customs and rituals, if they could save us, would make the Act of the Cross, of zero importance.
Do we have access to “certainty” about eternal matters?
Jesus, You teach us that everything we see around us will pass away; all things will become new. You and Your angels will come and those who love You and whose lives have been encircled by Your righteousness will enter into eternal peace with You, forever.
I slip, too often, but You lift me up, repeatedly
Father, we know from other references that our personal righteousness is as filthy rags compared to the righteousness of Jesus. Jesus, Himself, rebuked a man for calling Him good, prior to his transformation as the perfected Son of God, saying “Call no man Good, except God in heaven”. But here King David, tells us that our steps, if we love the Lord, are ordered by the Lord and that as we follow in His way, God delights in us.
When is the last time you truly felt joyful?
When we enter into the joy of the Lord, we do so twice, once now and once again for eternity, in heaven. You teach us to have joy now, even in turmoil, not because we enjoy trouble, but because it is temporary and our joy in Your grace prevails before, during and after difficulty.
Pretty simple; just two commandments!
Jesus, we know that knowing the truth, such as the two greatest commandments, which summarize the 10 commandments, is not the entire issue. Help us today to be filled with the Holy Spirit so that the truth can become a pivot point for a daily commitment to love You with our whole heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
In and of yourself, you cannot please God. He knew that!
The Holy Spirit is the gift You gave us. You did not leave us to our own resources. You told us that the Holy Spirit would teach us all things and help us to remember Your statements to us. You have told us that the Holy Spirit is the great Enabler, the Counselor and the Comforter.