Jesus, very seldom did You show anger outwardly. Here You teach us a great deal about what a church should not be. It is not a place where the focus is on raising money, advancing personal interests, or a place where social relationships rise above our purpose in being there.
One path and one path only to eternity…Jesus
You have told us that You have chosen to not take us out of this world, yet, so we could serve You in proclaiming the Word. We have been “sent” by You. You have prayed to the Father that the evil one will be kept from us. What a bonus, Jesus; Satan held at a distance from Your children. Help us this day to find ways to bring glory to Your name.
Where do you get comfort and counsel during chaos?
Jesus, for this wonderful set of facts, we are so grateful. You tell us, in the first person, that the Holy Spirit, having been sent, will convict the world of sin. Your crucifixion and resurrection, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and teach us, is also a turning point in Your relationship with every person. You have planted the truth in our hearts, You have turned on a Light that either accuses us or excuses us.
How is it possible that God’s thoughts toward me exceed number?
Father, we know that it is only possible to go forward, as Your disciples, with Your hand upon us, Your strength within us and Your righteousness filling us. Whether we are gray-headed, bald, old, young or ill, we are beautiful in Your sight, You have promised to not forsake us. We will declare Your marvelous works and we will rejoice in Your divine presence.
Impotent, not a word you want directed at you!
Your word teaches that we lack no spiritual gift, yet, we often feel impotent, spiritually. If the gift is present why do we feel that way? You teach us the answer in many places; You never move away from us but we are free to move away from You and when we do, we disconnect ourselves from Your Spirit in us.
Thank you Billy… a great warrior of God
How can we know what You expect? You teach us every day to look to Your word for guidance and wisdom. Everything seems transitional as we observe the changing values of the world. Thank You, Father, for being our rock, our never changing anchor.
Heaven, a destination you can’t possibly describe.
Father, indeed, ear has not heard not eye seen, Your equal. Those who pursue false gods are looking in the wrong places. You, Father, have revealed Yourself to all mankind; we all are Your people. Your truth is written upon our hearts and it is revealed and made known to us if we would but seek You.
God is Holy, we are not; have I missed something?
Jesus, we know that even after we experience salvation, we still have a heart of flesh that will be continually challenged. You teach us that the difference is that, because of our faith in You, You have sent the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts, to counsel and comfort us and to continue to forgive us daily as we seek to be more like You.
You are invited to enter, behind the veil.
Father, first You have called us saints and now You invite us to enter into Your Holy Presence, a place where only the High Priest could enter once a year, behind the veil.
I feel distant from God. He did not move!
Help us realize that when we feel distant from You that it is not You that have moved. Strengthen our resolve to draw near to You when we feel so alone. What a friend we have in You, Jesus.