Most of us have not sought You with our whole heart because that would mean a level of pursuit to which we aspire and but have rarely achieved. We are told to “hunger and thirst for righteousness”, something we want to do. What holds us back from a total committment to You?
Can the wicked record of my past be erased?
Father, you, under the Old Covenant, made the same type provision You have made under the New Covenant. The faith Your people had in You and their obedience to Your laws brought forgiveness. Under the New Covenant, Jesus changed things forever by inscribing Your truth on the heart of every person.
How on earth could I ever be called a saint?
Help us, this day, to grasp the fact that we cannot enter into Your presence as sinners and that our only hope for salvation is in Christ Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer, who stands before You proclaiming our worthiness, in Him. What a perfect advocate You have sent Father. Our sins are as separate from us as the east is from the west, never to be remembered against us, ever again.
Anxiety? Happy are the people whose God is the Lord
Your blessings, both small and large give us joy. May we spread that joy among Your people. Lift from us those temporal worries and anxieties that prevent our joy from being fully realized.
The path to strength and wholeness…a broken heart.
We read that You draw near to those whose spirit is humble and contrite. Keep us this day from prideful behavior and self-serving attitudes.
Rich and without joy?
Father, we learn from these verses that spiritual poverty makes us ineffective in fulfilling Your will. Yet, when we are full of the Holy Spirit, no matter what our economic situation by worldly standards, we possess all which You intended and by giving it away, we see others inherit the wealth, the Spiritual wealth that You desire for each of us.
Revenge is sweet…or does it diminish me?
Help us this day not to act as though we are responsible for judging the affairs of evil people. We pray for their salvation. Seeing the lamp of an evil person put out is to see them suffering in darkness forever.
The antidote for anxiety…
Jesus, help us this day to focus on what is good, noble, pure, lovely and virtuous. We know that is Your will for us. Remove all temptation and sin from our lives, minds and hearts, we pray, in Your Holy name, amen.
Danger ahead: Who would you like to hold your hand?
It is You Jesus who will not be disgraced or ashamed in the eyes of the Father; it is You that God justifies. Who can contend with You, who is Your adversary? You Jesus will judge us; You will uphold those that seek You. You and the Father are one and we can be one with You. That is empowerment and a bit beyond our understanding. We simply acknowledge that it is true.
Predestination…does that mean we don’t have a choice?
Jesus, predestination is such a mystery to us. Paul reminds us that You chose us, that is, You knew from the beginning of time which of us would respond to Your call. Does that mean we had no choice? Apparently not, because You repeatedly teach us to seek You, to pray about Your will for our lives to be fulfilled, to pray for the disadvantaged, to proclaim You to the lost.