It is no surprise to You, Father that things are as they are. You have told us to expect to be inundated with the portrayal of violence, lust, greed and every kind of sinful act, increasingly. Now “portrayal” is setting the stage for imitation and envy, taking Your children further from You.
Who has never sinned? He is our perfect example!
Father, we confess we are sinners, saved by grace and that when we reach for a relationship with Jesus, He willingly accepts us, forgives us and cleanses us.
From innocence to guilt; growing up is hard to do.
We thank You Father for the simplicity of the Gospel. Help us, this day to humbly enter into Your Holy presence with a faith that is like a child’s faith.
Joy perfected; just trust and obey, for there is no other way…
Help us, this day, to trust and obey and to abide in Your love in such a way that it is obvious to everyone that we seek to serve You. The result you promise is that Your joy will fill us and that our joy will be complete.
A built in lie detector…a painful truth!
Your Light is like a built in lie detector wherein every thought, action and vision is evaluated by You and taught to us. We are truly without excuse when we fail to turn to the Light.
Is there any reason God won’t listen to me?
What a wonderful truth – that Your mercy endures forever – for those that trust You. You extend Your loving hand, even when we were and are in sin. Father, we want to be more like Jesus and for sin to move farther and farther from us.
Life here is nothing like life eternal
You, Jesus, are the pivot point upon which all of eternity turns. Without You and the ultimate sacrifice You made for us, our sins would still be with us.
Our hope is in that which we can not yet see.
There are some things, Jesus, which we can directly experience. We can experience the renewal of our lives, the uplifting of the Spirit and the counsel of Your Holy word. Yes, Jesus, You do love us, You do hear our prayers and You do attend to our needs. To whom else can we turn? Our hope in is You.
There are only 10 commandments; get this one right!
Help us this day to be a good Godly example in our words, thoughts and actions. Give us wisdom, in you, and patience with our children.
We can’t even imagine what heaven is like
You have told us that You go to prepare a place for us so that where You are we will be. It was “doubting” Thomas who said, at the time, “we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way.” Thank You Jesus for Your response. You are the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through You.