Which is harder? Obeying God or loving your neighbor?

Father, You are love and we who say we love You must love others as well. It is not easy Father to love the person who would and does do us harm, yet, that is the command. We know that when we, in Your stregth, extend compassion or concern to someone that clearly does not “deserve” it, that it confounds them. We pray that circumstance leads to sorrow and that their disgust with their own actions, leads to repentance.

How do you turn on the “Light” within you?

You tell us that it is the Scriptures that give us hope. Would it be true Father that if we do not have Your word stored in our heart that, in times of need for Your instruction, we would be without hope? We all have some knowledge of the Scriptures, Father, but we know You would not have us remain as babes in that regard.

Don’t we all feel inadequate at times? There is hope!

Jesus, we are weak, in so many ways. Here we learn that it is in our recognition of our inadequacies, that You empower us to serve. It is in Your strength that we go forward. How else could it be without our pride becoming a burden? Take away any trace of arrogance in our lives, we pray in Your Holy name, amen.

Does life feel a little “up hill”. You have an Advocate, a Helper.

The Apostle John speaks plainly about obedience. “He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” Keeping Your commandments is not easy. We know our walk with You is a little “uphill” but each day of obedience makes the next day’s hill, easier. John says, “walk just as He walked.” That is our prayer today. Help us be more like you every day. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

We are heirs of salvation…we are family!

Father, it is sometimes difficult to admit it, but we were all once strangers and foreigners to You. That was our condition before we learned of Your grace to us and of salvation from Jesus. But now we are citizens of heaven with all of the other saints, we are members of Your household. We are family!

Prophecy promised; prophecy fulfilled

While it was a mission of total victory for every man and woman, it was at the same time an act of passion and suffering. Jesus submitted to Your will, to go to the cross that enabling us to enter into Your presence, cleansed by the sacrificial body and blood of Jesus.

Goodness over evil, love over hate, joy over depression…

Father, You have told us that you have reserved a place for us in heaven. We do not know a lot about heaven, but this we know. It will be a place of perfection, in You, reserved for us because of Your grace and mercy and the enabling atonement of Jesus.

What is the worst mistake a person can make?

Father, You have taught us that fidelity counts, both in our relationships with others and in our relationship with You. Help us understand how serious a matter this is. Let us make no vow to You or to others that we are not able to keep.