When is the last time you truly felt joyful?

When we enter into the joy of the Lord, we do so twice, once now and once again for eternity, in heaven. You teach us to have joy now, even in turmoil, not because we enjoy trouble, but because it is temporary and our joy in Your grace prevails before, during and after difficulty.

One path and one path only to eternity…Jesus

You have told us that You have chosen to not take us out of this world, yet, so we could serve You in proclaiming the Word. We have been “sent” by You. You have prayed to the Father that the evil one will be kept from us. What a bonus, Jesus; Satan held at a distance from Your children. Help us this day to find ways to bring glory to Your name.

Poverty creeps into the life of a lazy person like a prowler

Father, Help us learn from the lowly ant. He who would eat, must work. We know Father of the exceptions for those who can not work physically but even in their case you have provided a capacity to love and to receive love. Help us not only to be industriousness as we are able but to do everything knowing that You are noticing our motives and efforts.

Will the coming of Christ be a joyful event, for you?

We sometimes want You to destroy evil now, forgetting that we, before our relationship with You was sealed, were evil as well. Father, help us not to judge evil but to look for ways to be a light in a dark place. A soul that is perishing is a devastatingly sad thing to watch. Give us the courage to try, in Your strength, to help others see You as we see You, our Father, Savior, Comforter, Counselor and Refuge.

Is bragging always wrong?

Even as we tell others of our love for You and Your Holy word we see that You have entrusted us with this role, not to please men, but to pass the test of focusing on Your presence in the process. Our personal righteousness is truly as filthy rags.

Package figs(PKGFGS)? What are you talking about?

This marriage, the union of our spirit and Yours, allows us to bear fruit unto life, life eternal. It is Your will that our old nature die and that the fruits of the Holy Spirit, mark us as Yours.

How could persecution ever be a blessing?

Father, what a wonderful truth; if we are reviled by men because of our witness of You, it is a moment of joy, not of persecution. Help us understand that we are never to consider persecution due to our witness to be a problem; just the opposite. Unwarranted persecution is a confirmation of our love. It is a fact Jesus that Your love will grow deeper for us as we declare You before men.

What is God’s fire extinguisher?

Jesus, we know that having Your presence in our lives and hearts brings us peace. Yet, we do not always feel at peace. We sometimes say the wrong things, do the wrong things and think the wrong things. We know, Jesus, there is no peace in disobedience.

Rejoice? You have to be kidding. My life is a mess…

Father, Your word says rejoice always. Sometimes Father we feel that true rejoicing in the midst of the trials of this earth is nearly impossible. Thank You for reminding us that we rejoice in the victory of Your presence in all situations. We never suffer or go through trials alone.