Carved in stone? I thought it was all relative…

Jesus, we sometimes think of the Law as being something that Moses received, as a Jew, for the Jews, carved in stone a long time ago. We see that our entire culture more or less rejects large portions of that Law.

How might I seek You? As one gasping for air…

If in a moment of gasping for Your air, Your mercy lies ahead of us, would it not be when the end seems near, when fear has taken hold of us? Do we need to wait Father for dire circumstances before we seek the refreshment of Your Holy Spirit? No, Father, it is frequently in times of despair that we turn our eyes to You. If we only look to You when we are in trouble, what pitiful Christians we would be.

When is an “oath” o.k…hardly ever!

Jesus, You have taught us that the same mouth should not praise You and curse men. We know that swearing an oath is a mistake unless we are certain we can unerringly perform that oath. But swearing has become a way of life in these times. We hear people say “By God, I will do such and such” (it pains me to even quote such persons). You teach us that this is an oath from an empty headed, hard hearted person in terms of their walk with You.

We want evil punished now, right now!

Father, sometimes we want You to raise Your hand against the enemy of Your people, now, right now! We know You will, but we see evil conquering good, too often. Give us patience as You allow or cause events to happen on Your timetable.

The mind of Christ in me? No way…right?

Father, we can say boldly that we have access to the mind of Christ and that You teach us all things we must know, things that exceed the wisdom of man. We look to our teachers for wisdom and you tell us that Your testimony to us exceeds that of our teachers and the “ancients”, those who lived before You. How can we not look to Your Holy Word for guidance, every day? For conveying such love toward us, we are eternally grateful.

Does it take courage to cry out to God?

Father, we see that the Psalmist cries out to You, with his whole heart. When God, have we felt such anguish, such concern? Jesus Himself talks about the times he “rose up early” to talk to You, to cry out for the needs of Your people. Here the Psalmist does the same and is sometimes awake through the entire night, meditating on Your word.

The Law, in stone, now carved upon our hearts.

You have told us that the truth is written on the hearts of Gentile believers. We, unlike Israel, who were given the truth by the law, have been given it in an indelible way; it is written upon our hearts.