Father, indeed, we who love You with all our heart, mind and soul and love our neighbor as ourselves, are not appointed to Your wrath. We know that does not mean that we are protected from the wrath of mankind, where people are capable of heinous crime.
Impatience…the natural state of things?
Father, we are very impatient, by nature. Not only do we fail to wait upon Your leading but we naturally want to know what tomorrow will bring. You teach us to say “Lord willing” when we announce a goal or a plan of action. That helps remind us that we may make plans but we need to pause and to ask ourselves if we are truly consulting with You, praying for Your will to be done.
Do we all have to be preachers?
Father, this scripture says the time will come when people will seek out teachers who tell them what they want to hear. O’ God, how we pray that You will teach Your teachers; that You will convict them and lead them to preach the whole truth, in season and out of season, when it is easy and when it is difficult.
Did God know you would “choose” Him?
First, Father, we know that You and Jesus are as one and that our election, our predestination was known by You. You would not be omniscient if You did not know that we would respond to Your love for us, personally. You knew we would accept Your invitation, Your grace and Your mercy.
Are we a conduit of God’s gifts?
Father, we know that your desire is that we are fruitful. You have taught us that one of the reasons to accumulate assets is to share them with those in need. Help us know that assets, granted to us by You, make us a custodian, one who administers benefits to others.
Should we expect to suffer as a result of our witness?
Father, You have called us saints and yet our hearts convict us. Here You tell us to sanctify our hearts, an active process of cleansing and renewal by You, that in good conscience we might provide others with a good defense of our love for You in meekness and fear, avoiding arrogance or the suggestion of appearing judgmental.
How do you achieve “goodness”?
Father, we know that our goodness, absent the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, is more than just inadequate. When our fleshly instincts take over, we know we are running away from Your presence. Your word tells us that You delight in your saints, a designation none of us feel able to accept, yet it remains Your expectation.
Omnipresent… God’s thoughts towards me exceed number?
Father, When we look at all You have created, we are overwhelmed with Your omniscience and omnipotence. You are indeed all knowing and all powerful. Here You tell us of Your omnipresence in our lives. Your thoughts towards us exceed number. You are a constant reality. We are truly never alone.
Problems abound; God is your solution, forever.
Father, we can see that this simple promise is the key to our salvation. If we draw near to You, You will draw near to us, The opposite probably is true as well. If we distance ourselves from You, You will distance Yourself from us. We know from many scriptures that our sins grieve You. It seems our neglect of You, as we live our lives, does the same.
I humbly declare I am not proud; never have been.
Father, we know that to be like Jesus is our goal and we also know that our lower nature, our flesh, often causes us to act more like a goof ball than a saint. Give us the humility we pray to allow You to overcome that which is present in all of us. You promised to do so if we but ask.