Father knows best…do you really believe that?

Father, we do plan our days and our future and we often say, “Lord willing”. Let us always know that what is to happen today, tomorrow and forever is known to You. We naturally focus on the days of our lives as important and we sometimes forget that they are as a vapor compared to eternity.

Do a 180°…does that mean a complete reversal?

Father, we know that the word repent means to turn in the other direction, to make a life-changing decision, to do a 180°. None of us can, in and of our own strength, declare our salvation. We are saved by Your grace and mercy and our faith in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer, Lord and Savior.

Silent before God about your sin? A painful circumstance…

Father, when we stand before You, guilty of sin, we are truly blessed to have our sins forgiven. We know that in this life we have sinned against not only You but other people as well. We pray they are as generous in forgiving us as You have been. Father we too must forgive and forget the past sins of others. We must render to them the type of grace and mercy You have shown us.

Joy, the inspired truth about heaven

Father, when You tell us to “sing a new song”, that implies that it is not a song we know. Is that what heaven is like Father, a place of new songs, new understandings?
We can not, from this side, gain an appreciation of what heaven will be like. You have promised us that it will be beautiful, unlike anything our hearts and minds have imagined or seen.

B.C./A.D. Jesus, the turning point of history.

Father, we celebrate the birth of Jesus as a nation and in many parts of the world. We pray that the physical birth of Christ will lead to the Spiritual birth of our loved ones and a renewed vow by each of us to seek a relationship with You more and more, each day.

Am I Spiritually blind? It is a self-inflicted wound.

Lord and Father, what a wonderful promise. If we seek You we shall find You; but what is it to forsake You? When Jesus, do we abandon You, when do we leave You out of the moments of our life? We admit it is far too often. You tell us that You search our hearts and know the intents of our heart. Lord, we hide nothing because nothing can be hidden from You.

Life is a constant test…how can we cope?

Father, if we lack understanding, we see here that Your word is our solution. The Psalmist cries out for understanding. Can we do less? Help us draw near to You, moment by moment, knowing that Your presence in the circumstances of our lives, changes things. We beg for Your illumination, Your peace and Your power in coping with difficulties of every kind, difficulties that seem to seek us out and test us constantly.

Trouble surrounds me. Where can I find refuge?

Father, these brief words remind us that most of us have a multitude of anxieties which distract us from the comfort of Your presence. When, in the midst of anxiety, we are able to step back and remember the transitional nature of most circumstances, we can find comfort in our eternal relationship with You.

Why seek God, “early in the morning”?

Our souls truly wait upon You during the trials we face each day and when we awake to a new day, You are there. We learn from Your word, over and over, that “early in the morning” Your prophets and Your people have sought You. Why “early” each day? Perhaps it is because we can be alone with You before our hectic schedules begin.

Must I seek God daily, even moment by moment?

Father, this first verse says “revive me in Your righteousness.” How Father, can we be revived, except to have been alive at one time. Father, we know the answer; we are all made alive in Jesus and Your word is written on the heart of every person. We sometimes withdraw from You, even for prolonged periods, but here we learn that revival awaits.