Why seek God, “early in the morning”?

Our souls truly wait upon You during the trials we face each day and when we awake to a new day, You are there. We learn from Your word, over and over, that “early in the morning” Your prophets and Your people have sought You. Why “early” each day? Perhaps it is because we can be alone with You before our hectic schedules begin.

Must I seek God daily, even moment by moment?

Father, this first verse says “revive me in Your righteousness.” How Father, can we be revived, except to have been alive at one time. Father, we know the answer; we are all made alive in Jesus and Your word is written on the heart of every person. We sometimes withdraw from You, even for prolonged periods, but here we learn that revival awaits.

Is pride the most subtle of all sins?

Father, You require that we come to you in humility, not proud of ourselves. Help us Father to be joyful as we seek to serve without having our joy turn to self-serving pride.

Is knowing God too hard for me?

Father, as we seek to be like Jesus, we find we must know more and more of His words, His instruction and His desire for us. We seek His righteousness that our spirit might be revived by His Spirit. You have taught us that hearts need to be changed for renewal to be real. Lead us away from our instinctive, self serving desires, into a concern for serving You and others.

I have a secret…not really.

We know Father that temptation is delivered to us by Satan and that You permit the test. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit in us that we can over come that which Satan delivers, primarily targeting those who love You. We would estimate that Your joy comes from our victories and Your grief from our failures.

What do you treasure most in life?

We rejoice in Your precepts, laws and instruction and thank You for making our path to redemption very clear. We depend upon You for the strength to follow You. You lead us in paths of righteousness. Your will for our lives is not only made clear but you are the great Enabler, the Counselor, the Comforter.

How much of God’s word is hidden in your heart (and does it matter)?

Father, Our hearts rejoice when we know we are doing Your will and being perfectly obedient. On the other hand, when we disobey and turn from Your word and counsel we feel a burden that can only be relieved by confession and repentance. There is no teaching as rich and fruitful as Your word.

God will avenge? I can’t wait that long…

Father, it is so difficult not to seek revenge when we are offended. We instinctively react in an aggressive manner whether we know the offender or not. That Father is not Your way. You have told us not to hold a grudge about new or old offenses and to love others as ourselves. There is no way we can do that unless we are filled with Your Holy Spirit. To be like You is to forgive as we have been forgiven.

What is it that will make heaven perfect for you?

Father God, You have chosen to make us in Your image. We know, for those that love and obey You, that we are not yet what we will become. Life can seem so long when we are hurting yet You have prepared an eternal place of perfection for us all where we will be neither young nor old and certainly not ill. We look forward to something so perfect that it escapes our ability to fully describe it.

Being forgiven when I do not deserve it is stressful

Father, we know it is Your will that we take care of Your children, whether they are being obedient or not. When we have an opportunity and they have a need, it was an appointment made by You. You have taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves. You have said elsewhere, “They will know us by our love”.