Father, at times we feel embattled, pressured by our daily circumstances and needs. We have learned to flee from sinful reactions to pressure because You are pleased to deliver us, to lift us up in that moment, if we but turn to You. We know that our willingness to be in a relationship with You transports us from helplessness to dependence on You.
Will the coming of Christ be a joyful event, for you?
We sometimes want You to destroy evil now, forgetting that we, before our relationship with You was sealed, were evil as well. Father, help us not to judge evil but to look for ways to be a light in a dark place. A soul that is perishing is a devastatingly sad thing to watch. Give us the courage to try, in Your strength, to help others see You as we see You, our Father, Savior, Comforter, Counselor and Refuge.
How is it possible that God’s thoughts toward me exceed number?
Father, we know that it is only possible to go forward, as Your disciples, with Your hand upon us, Your strength within us and Your righteousness filling us. Whether we are gray-headed, bald, old, young or ill, we are beautiful in Your sight, You have promised to not forsake us. We will declare Your marvelous works and we will rejoice in Your divine presence.
Impotent, not a word you want directed at you!
Your word teaches that we lack no spiritual gift, yet, we often feel impotent, spiritually. If the gift is present why do we feel that way? You teach us the answer in many places; You never move away from us but we are free to move away from You and when we do, we disconnect ourselves from Your Spirit in us.
40 years in the desert and their sandals did not wear out?
Father, we, and everyone in the world, have been chosen by You to receive Your grace. Jesus, when He went to the cross and was raised again, told us that His death and resurrection established a New Covenant, one in which the truth is written on the heart of every man, whereby no one is without at least some Light.
Thank you Billy… a great warrior of God
How can we know what You expect? You teach us every day to look to Your word for guidance and wisdom. Everything seems transitional as we observe the changing values of the world. Thank You, Father, for being our rock, our never changing anchor.
I feel distant from God. He did not move!
Help us realize that when we feel distant from You that it is not You that have moved. Strengthen our resolve to draw near to You when we feel so alone. What a friend we have in You, Jesus.
Witness; you have to be kidding. I am not equipped to witness
Father, we never seem to feel that we have enough stuff. We strive to achieve and to make gains of every sort. Help us know that You will see us through the good times and the difficult times. Teach us to persevere in doing good, even when things seem stacked against us.
Is bragging always wrong?
Even as we tell others of our love for You and Your Holy word we see that You have entrusted us with this role, not to please men, but to pass the test of focusing on Your presence in the process. Our personal righteousness is truly as filthy rags.
What is wrong with fitting in? You know; get along, go along.
Father, This topic of Salvation is both pivotal and challenging. The scriptures leave us no “wiggle room”. We are either in Your Holy hand, being cared for, for eternity, or we remain what we may have considered a safe distance. Father, we know You would rather have us hot than cold in our Spiritual life and that you detest a lukewarm response.