Even as we tell others of our love for You and Your Holy word we see that You have entrusted us with this role, not to please men, but to pass the test of focusing on Your presence in the process. Our personal righteousness is truly as filthy rags.
What is wrong with fitting in? You know; get along, go along.
Father, This topic of Salvation is both pivotal and challenging. The scriptures leave us no “wiggle room”. We are either in Your Holy hand, being cared for, for eternity, or we remain what we may have considered a safe distance. Father, we know You would rather have us hot than cold in our Spiritual life and that you detest a lukewarm response.
Rejoice? You have to be kidding. My life is a mess…
Father, Your word says rejoice always. Sometimes Father we feel that true rejoicing in the midst of the trials of this earth is nearly impossible. Thank You for reminding us that we rejoice in the victory of Your presence in all situations. We never suffer or go through trials alone.
Fear not, I will help you…do you believe that?
Dear God, what powerful promises these are. Even in the midst of fear, You lift us up, You extend Your hand to us, in a very personal way. You are our God!
Who will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Father, You have taught us that we are Your Temple and that you reside in our hearts. It does not surprise us that this temple should not be dragged into sinful situations. If we claim we are Yours, help us to not desecrate the temple, to not embarrass You, and eventually ourselves, by our bad choices.
Did you say that God knew me before I was born?
You ordained John before he was born. You set him apart and Father, when he proclaimed the coming of Jesus, You had already seen the entire scene. It is Your omniscience, Your knowledge of the beginning, the process and the end that we are witnessing.
Have I unknowingly been in the presence of an angel?
Father, are angels for real? Your words confirm that angels are indeed real and that we interact with them and are observed by them more than we know. It is sort of a scary thing, at first, because we don’t know whether we just entertainied an angel or if we are in the presence of a person that seems a little more interested in us than we would expect.
Darkness (sin) to light (righteous), an easy choice
Help us this day to put on the armor of Light, to yield to the illumination You are offering. What a precarious thing it is to walk in total darkness. We can visualize how difficult it would be to extend our hands and “feel” our way through each day. That is how You portray one who chooses to walk in sin, as one agreeing to walk in darkness.
Anxiety? Happy are the people whose God is the Lord
Your blessings, both small and large give us joy. May we spread that joy among Your people. Lift from us those temporal worries and anxieties that prevent our joy from being fully realized.
Did you say rejoice when times are hard?
What we need Father is a greater and greater dependence on You. Our enduring treasure is in heaven, not on earth. Help us use the assets that You give us in this life to better serve You, to run swiftly toward the goal and to walk with You on high hills, even when experiencing challenges in our day to day lives.