Have I unknowingly been in the presence of an angel?

Father, are angels for real? Your words confirm that angels are indeed real and that we interact with them and are observed by them more than we know. It is sort of a scary thing, at first, because we don’t know whether we just entertainied an angel or if we are in the presence of a person that seems a little more interested in us than we would expect.

Predestination…does that mean we don’t have a choice?

Jesus, predestination is such a mystery to us. Paul reminds us that You chose us, that is, You knew from the beginning of time which of us would respond to Your call. Does that mean we had no choice? Apparently not, because You repeatedly teach us to seek You, to pray about Your will for our lives to be fulfilled, to pray for the disadvantaged, to proclaim You to the lost.

Is teaching your children about God an “option”?

Loving You and our neighbor that much is so right, but it raises the question; do we actually possess that deep, perfect love for You and our neighbor and if so, how does it manifest itself in the course of each day?

So easy to love God, so hard to love our neighbors!

Father, loving You, as we look at the wonder of Your creation, and learn of Your love for us, seems relatively easy compared to loving each other. We are “in the flesh” far too often, making it difficult for our children, spouses and friends to easily love us.

Empowerment; the mind of Christ in you.

If we could have but one wish granted here on earth, it would be to have Your mind in us, Jesus, a mind that sees the beginning from the end; a mind that grants mercy when it is undeserved; a mind which lifts us from the burdens of a sinful world into a perfect and eternal heavenly result if we but love You.

Does the idea of blood being shed for your sins bother you?

Is it any wonder Father that Jesus and His angels will come to separate the saints from the sinners? You have extended all power to Him and it is by His shed blood that we will enter into Your presence. You, Yourself Father will judge among the saints, and although that is a comfort, because we will be with You, it reminds us that our salvation was purchased at a great price and that our enthusiastic response of love and obedience is Your expectation.

Pray without ceasing? How can anyone do that?

We are asked to pray without ceasing. Teach us this day how to implement that teaching. Help us include You in everything we do and think. It is Your will that we enjoy the fruits of Your Holy presence (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control), constantly. Our fleshly instincts take us in the opposite direction, too often. We seek to be like You, more and more. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.

How would your day go if you “felt” the presence of Christ?

We thank you Father for sending the Holy Spirit, a constant source of Your Holy presence in us. O’God, Your thoughts toward us exceed number. That is a reality we have a hard time grasping. Can we do any less but to look to You, all day, in every circumstance. We truly never need to walk alone.

Why is pride such a problem? Is there a solution?

Father, the contrast between pride and humility is always before us. We have such an inclination to allow our ego to overcome us. Help us, today, to know that it is You we seek to please and that even when we do please You, it is due to the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, not our fleshly spirit.