Dear God, what powerful promises these are. Even in the midst of fear, You lift us up, You extend Your hand to us, in a very personal way. You are our God!
Are we at risk when we witness?
If and when we suffer for declaring You, Jesus, among men, we know that our tribulations bring glory to You. We never can out give You. What You did to redeem us exceeds anything we could have hoped for. Our manifest love for You is our response to Your love for us.
The antidote for anxiety…
Jesus, help us this day to focus on what is good, noble, pure, lovely and virtuous. We know that is Your will for us. Remove all temptation and sin from our lives, minds and hearts, we pray, in Your Holy name, amen.
Life here is nothing like life eternal
You, Jesus, are the pivot point upon which all of eternity turns. Without You and the ultimate sacrifice You made for us, our sins would still be with us.
Peace now…even in strife, followed by eternal joy. Perfect!
You bless us in good times and bad but it is the latter in which we humbly seek your help. Teach us to bring every single circumstance of our lives to You, asking for Your Holy hand upon us.
Does the idea of blood being shed for your sins bother you?
Is it any wonder Father that Jesus and His angels will come to separate the saints from the sinners? You have extended all power to Him and it is by His shed blood that we will enter into Your presence. You, Yourself Father will judge among the saints, and although that is a comfort, because we will be with You, it reminds us that our salvation was purchased at a great price and that our enthusiastic response of love and obedience is Your expectation.
Pray without ceasing? How can anyone do that?
We are asked to pray without ceasing. Teach us this day how to implement that teaching. Help us include You in everything we do and think. It is Your will that we enjoy the fruits of Your Holy presence (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control), constantly. Our fleshly instincts take us in the opposite direction, too often. We seek to be like You, more and more. In Jesus Holy name, we pray, amen.
Will tempatations ever stop? Not in this life…
There will come a day when Satan is restrained and Your joy will reign in the hearts of men (The Millennium) and there will be an even better day when Satan and his allies are destroyed forever. Then, in heaven, we will find out what is like to enjoy Your peace, happiness and joy eternal.
Does anyone enjoy hating, anger, impatience, etc. There is an alternative…
If we yield the fruits of the Holy Spirit, we will be as “sanctified”, a posture we seek but which eludes us too often. Father, we need to be more consistent. We know, Jesus, that being like You, in our relationships, is Your desire for us. You equip us to do so when we ask. For Your forgiveness and empowerment, we are grateful.
To whom much is given, much is required
We do seek Your blessing but help us know why You have blessed us and why You will yet bless us. You have taught us that to whom much is given, much is required. Your blessings to us should cause us to want to be a blessing to others. That seems so right and so natural compared to being envious or self-seeking.