Is Jesus the name above every name…or an exclamation point!

Paul says witness of who Jesus was and why He matters in your life. His name is above every name! We pray that His name and our Lord’s Holy name is only spoken in fear and reverence. Forgive those who believe Your name, O’ God, is an exclamation point. How Father did we become so irreverent?

Have mercy on the souls of those who are disobedient, we pray. Amen

True love, a basis for courage, now and then.

We know from Your word that perfect love casts out fear. That is why, Father, we can approach You and the challenges of life with confidence. Help us remember that neither man nor evil circumstance can do anything that would destroy Your love for us or our love for You.

An unexamined life is not worth living…still true (Socrates)

Here You tell us to examine ourselves, to look into our hearts and ask ourselves if the Holy Spirit, Jesus in us, actually exists. The answer, if we are to be saved, is yes, yes, He lives in my heart and every time I turn to Him I am making the right decision, the right move. Bless each of us and help us as we seek to know You better.

Problems abound; God is your solution, forever.

Father, we can see that this simple promise is the key to our salvation. If we draw near to You, You will draw near to us, The opposite probably is true as well. If we distance ourselves from You, You will distance Yourself from us. We know from many scriptures that our sins grieve You. It seems our neglect of You, as we live our lives, does the same.

God’s word can never be stamped void. It invades your space

Father, we thank You for Paul’s ministry. He taught us how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, who he refers to as saints. We do pray for each other, perhaps not as fervently or constantly as we should, but we know that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. You hear the prayers of those that love You so we never speak in vain when we bring our needs and hopes to You.

Just how hard is it to be certain of eternal life?

Jesus, the gate is narrow, but it is You that pushes it open, it is You that keeps us from stumbling, it is You who joyfully present us faultless to our Father God. It is You Jesus who has taught us, repeatedly, that we can only be “faultless” when Your righteousness envelops us.

Me, a partaker of the Divine Nature of God?

Father, Your promises are indeed great and precious promises. If we could but thoroughly understand the depth of Your love for us and Your desire for us to be like Jesus, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, we would see no alternative but to claim our gift of grace and love from You.

What limitations does an angel have?

We do not fully understand what kind of power the angels have but since they do Your good pleasure it seems safe to assume they can do anything You want them to do. We often limit our hopes by placing our own earthly perspective on things that simply exceed our understanding and sometimes exceed our faith.

What is wrong with “getting even”?

Jesus, You taught us that if we do not forgive our enemies You will not forgive us. You said to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Yet when the enemy attacks we are inclined to take matters into our own hands. Give us the courage, we pray, to display patience when our lower nature tempts us to “get even”, right now!

One day with Jesus better than thousands elsewhere.

Father, the world will witness your power. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that you are Lord, including those who have not yet done so. It is your mercy that we seek. You have chosen us and even now You draw us near to You in spite of our weaknesses.